Delphix and DataStax have partnered to build an integration between DataStax Enterprise and the Delphix DevOps Data Platform. The joint solution provides Continuous Data for all Cassandra users by enabling data delivery automation for DevOps test data management (TDM).
Apache Cassandra is an open-source, distributed NoSQL database that delivers always-on availability and unlimited linear scalability. DataStax Enterprise is a commercial offering by DataStax that is a production-certified Cassandra distribution. The new solution supports both offerings.
With the integration connector, Delphix automates data provisioning and provides API access to virtualized Cassandra data for migrating legacy applications, distributing data across clouds. and delivering fast, lightweight data for CI/CD pipelines.
How it Works
The Delphix DevOps Platform non-disruptively syncs data from multiple Cassandra database nodes and stores that data in a single virtual node. Once the data is in the platform, Delphix Continuous Data can quickly provision virtual, ephemeral data for application development and testing. API data controls enable developers and testers to bookmark, refresh, and rewind data as well as share test environments.
The new connector leverages DataStax OpsCenter to schedule and manage source backups that can be ingested into Delphix. The OpsCenter Backup Service schedules an automatic backup of data either one time or recurring. Additional tools like DataStax Zero-Downtime migration tool DSBulk and stableloader can also be used to sync data between clusters.
The connector also makes it easier to move from legacy databases to Casssandra by ingesting data into a Delphix staging cluster using any ETL tool, creating a virtual database, and enabling migration testing and validation, then refreshing the virtual databases from production data to the Cassandra database.
Our mutual customers can now more easily provision distributed test data for CI/CD pipelines and move legacy applications to the modern database.
Contact your Delphix representative to get started.