Tribute to the Remarkable Charles “Chuck” Gehman
Our hearts are broken at the loss of our friend and Perforce teammate, Chuck Gehman. Few knew he was battling esophageal cancer because his enthusiasm and work ethic never faltered.
Chuck was a devoted and passionate Perforcian and will be deeply missed. Chuck’s depth of knowledge and experience across multiple technologies made him invaluable to our company, our partners, and our industry.
Saying Goodbye to a Dear Coworker and Friend
In the words of Perforce employees…
“Chuck was just a force of positive energy around our team. He was so knowledgeable and was always willing to share that knowledge with anyone who asked for help. He also was just a fun guy to be around and definitely the life of the party.”
“Having never worked in the software development industry, when I first started at Perforce, Chuck reached out to me to see if I had any questions about our products. We had a long discussion that really helped me understand what Perforce was about. Then he offered to have the same meeting with my entire department. I will always remember his friendly attitude, smile, and for him taking the time to get to know me.”
“Chuck was instrumental in helping onboard me not only to Perforce but also to version control. He spent countless hours teaching me the ropes, never showing any outward irritation with how many times I probably asked the same question or when I asked the occasional (or maybe not so occasional) nonsensical question.”
“Chuck and I sat next to each other and he was usually in the office before me in the mornings. When I'd walk in and pass his desk, he'd always look up and give me a "how you doin`?" greeting with a smile on his face. Chuck also had his favorite phrases like "faaaaantastic" and "beautiful". His laugh was both plentiful and contagious.”
“Chuck was the first person I talked to on my first visit to Minneapolis. I could tell immediately how deep his knowledge was in the world of DevOps and how strong his passion for the VCS product and team were. We hit it off immediately. I would always wind up sending my raw content to him for what I called “Chuckification” where he beautified and clarified what I was trying to say. I’ll never forget walking the streets of San Francisco at GDC and talking about CrossFit and Chuck literally stopped in the middle of the street and started doing burpees. Amazing. Intelligent, soft-hearted, passionate, and hilarious. That was Chuck.”
“Chuck was full of life. He always had a new story to tell or a movie to quote. Chuck was never short with words and could always find something to say about any situation. He could talk for hours telling you about the famous people he knew, his childhood in Beverly Hills, or his morning CrossFit workout."
“Although I only had the opportunity to get to know Chuck for a few years here at Perforce, I feel like that was enough to get to really know what a great person he was. His easy approach to discussing complex topics and his boundless willingness to help are things you just don’t see every day. Yes, I will miss him professionally, but I think it’s safe to say that I’ll miss him more personally.”
“Chuck was a gifted storyteller. Every time I interviewed him for a blog, I came away with three new pieces of knowledge — and at least one fascinating personal anecdote. Chuck is gone too soon, but he REALLY lived while he was here. “
“For me (and probably everyone else) Chuck was such a selfless person who was always willing to help no matter what the issue was. After joining Perforce, I can’t count how many times I knocked on Chuck's door to ask a question or to explain something technical and he always seemed to be available even though he had more important things to be doing. He was an amazing person and will be missed.”
“Chuck was truly one of a kind. He was incredibly passionate about technology and dedicated to our industry. That sounds boring. But Chuck was anything but boring. He always had a tale to tell. Often about a movie I’d never seen or a celebrity he went to high school with. Chuck built solid relationships with so many of our technology partners. He made friends and made things happen. I’m grateful I got to see his dedication to the industry and to Perforce up close.”
“I loved that even though Chuck was so smart, he never talked down to anyone or had any ounce of ego. He was just happy to educate others and was so passionate about his work; it was clear he really loved it — and that rubbed off on the rest of us as well. His enthusiasm was almost tangible!”
“Greeting Chuck every morning and shooting the breeze was one of my favorite parts of the day. Chuck was never in a bad mood. He had so many stories, so many experiences, and he loved to share them! You could simply say hello to Chuck and buckle up for 15 minutes of tales of his personal and professional journey, and I was always a captive audience. He was the embodiment of a favorite coworker, and I will miss him in that context, and even more as a friend.”
We will remember Chuck for his vast knowledge, engaging stories, patient teaching, and easy laugh. We are grateful for his part in the continued success of Perforce and for making our lives a little bit richer for having known him.
Our thoughts are with his family and the people who knew him. If you would like to support Chuck’s family, you can make a donation.