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Perforce PV-WAVE

Visualize Simple-To-Complex Datasets

Meet data analysis requirements quickly and accurately.

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Turn Insights Into Graphics With Perforce PV-WAVE

Data means nothing without the ability to analyze it efficiently and accurately. Use Perforce PV-WAVE to meet your data analysis requirements efficiently and accurately. With this visual data analysis tool, you can rapidly import, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data. 

By using Perforce PV-WAVE, you can turn insights and data into meaningful graphics by rapidly importing, analyzing, manipulating, and visualizing large datasets. You can manipulate and visualize complex or extremely large technical datasets to detect and display patterns, trends, anomalies, or other vital information. Plus, you can quickly import, manipulate, and interpret your data visually in an easy-to-use framework. 

Advantages include:

  • Realize opportunities
  • Reduce time to results
  • Accelerate development
  • Illustrate knowledge from data

What Is Perforce PV-WAVE?

Perforce PV-WAVE is an array-oriented programming language with a rich set of analysis routines (based on IMSL Numerical Libraries). It’s used by engineers, scientists, researchers, business analysts, and software developers to build and deploy visual data analysis (VDA) applications. 

Perforce PV-WAVE can help you:

  • Manipulate and visualize data sets of varying complexity.
  • Detect and display patterns, trends, anomalies, and other vital information.
  • Deliver powerful image and signal processing, data import and export, 3D surface, plot, histogram, contour, animation, color editor, and a database table display.
  • Incorporate sophisticated analysis routines based on the industry-standard IMSL Numerical Libraries for reliable and precise numerical analysis.

Use Perforce PV-WAVE Toolkits to Solve Specific Problems

Solve specific problems with Perforce PV-WAVE Toolkits for image and signal processing.

Image Processing Toolkit icon

Image Processing Toolkit

Signal Processing Toolkit icon

Signal Processing Toolkit

Database Connection Toolkit icon

Database Connection Toolkit

Get Started With Perforce PV-WAVE