Improve Analog Design Quality, Consistency, and Efficiency with VersIC

VersIC supports successful, on-time tapeouts by making it easy and seamless for analog designers to gain the benefits of modern data management and version control.

Reduce Errors

Easily identify and communicate changes to eliminate versioning issues and reduce design errors.

Speed Time to Market

Enable effective design block reuse to bring higher quality products to market faster.

Boost Productivity

Streamline configuration and workspace management to quickly bootstrap new projects.

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Reduce Errors and Eliminate Versioning Issues

With VersIC, designers no longer need to manually track changes. VersIC improves visibility and eliminates versioning issues with:

  • Version control for all design elements, such as schematics and layouts, through check-in and check-out of design data.
  • Ability to easily identify and communicate changes via visual Diff and Merge features.  
  • Full support for hierarchical operations.
three circles changing and showing transition

Speed Time to Market Through Reuse

Without visibility into existing analog design blocks, teams waste time ‘reinventing the wheel’ instead of reusing blocks between projects.  

With VersIC, you get a centralized, automated catalog of available analog libraries. Design blocks and variants are shared across teams. This enables effective reuse, so you can reduce design cycle times and deliver better quality products faster.

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Boost Productivity and Improve Collaboration

Ad-hoc configuration and workspace management can result in out-of-date design environments that introduce errors and bring productivity to a crawl.

VersIC offers simple, consistent configuration and workspace management so you can:

  • Reduce errors, improve quality, and save time by eliminating manual configuration processes.
  • Improve collaboration across teams and easily ‘bootstrap’ new and derivative projects through standardized project configurations.
  • Increase productivity with high-performance, multi-site data distribution and workspace creation. 
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“VersIC gives us the high performance configuration management tools we need to facilitate PDK development, project design data management, and IP variant sharing across design teams. We now have the high performance backbone we need to enable true collaboration in our hardware design environment.”
— CAD Director at Cirrus Logic

“The combination of VersIC, Helix IPLM, and Helix Core helped us achieve a successful, on-time tape-out for one of the most complex designs we’ve ever done. It has significantly reduced our design cycle times, improved our time-to-market, and given us a great 
competitive advantage.”
— Director, CAD Engineering, Global IC Design Company

Get Started With VersIC

Find out how VersIC can help you reduce design errors, enable efficient reuse, and boost productivity to speed your time to market. All within the native analog design environment. Talk to an analog data management expert today to get started.