Help / Workflow / Helix Mirroring / Requirements
Helix Versioning Engine (P4D) version 2015.1/1171507, or newer.
A user for GitLab's use in the Helix Versioning Engine with the following attributes:
groupmust have write access via Helix protections to:
(to allow GitLab to create auto_create
repos)//.git-fusion/users/<GitLab user>/...
(for SSH access)//<all Git Fusion depot roots accessed by GitLab>
Install GitLab and Git Fusion on separate machines to improve performance and scalability. GitSwarm 2015.3+ installs with an auto-provided Helix Versioning Engine and an auto-providsioned Git Fusion server, all pre-configured to allow you to easily try out the system. In production, we recommend disabling the auto-provisioned Git Fusion, and using an external one. Check out the docs on the auto-provisioned Git Fusion)
Use SSH or HTTPS connections to secure the mirroring connections. SSH connections are faster and more secure. We recommend against using unencrypted HTTP connections or HTTPS with self-signed certificates.