P4API.NET Developer Guide

This guide tells you how to install and configure P4API.NET, the Helix Core Server API for the Microsoft .NET framework. P4API.NET enables you to create client programs that interact with end users, send commands to a Helix Core Server, and process the data returned from the server.

If you are new to P4API.NET, see these topics to get started:

What's new

For a complete list of what's new in this release, see the P4API.NET Release Notes.

Additional help for Helix Core

Helix Core overview

See Helix Core Overview for an introduction to Helix Core concepts and capabilities.

Helix Server administration

See Helix Core Server Administrator Guide for information on installation, configuration, and management of Helix Server.

Command line client usage

See the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Guide for information on how to use the Helix Server Command Line Client.

Command reference

See the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference for usage and reference for the Helix Server command-line client.