Example form-in job trigger

Use a form-in job trigger to:

  • Customize job names
  • Block users from creating job but allow the P4DTG user to create jobs
  • Update specific fields

Example form-in job trigger

This trigger is an example only and was written for use with Bugzilla. It must be edited to suit your specific requirements and defect tracker.


While the syntax of this example is correct, it includes values that cannot work. Ensure that you adjust the configuration appropriately for your P4DTG installation before using this example trigger in testing or production.

#! /usr/bin/env perl
## Perforce server trigger for use in conjunction with P4DTG job replication.
## This script can optionally:
##  1.  Prevent creation of new jobs in Perforce by anyone other than the
##      replication user.
##  2   Prevent modification of read-only fields of jobs in Perforce by anyone
##      other than the replication user.
##  3.  Create newly mirrored jobs using the same name as that in the defect
##      tracker.
## To install, add a line to your triggers table like the following:
##    jobId form-in job "/p4root/triggers/changeid.pl %user% %formfile%"
## or if you're on Windows, you need to prepend the Perl interpreter like this:
##    jobId form-in job "c:\path\to\perl.exe changeid.pl %user% %formfile%"
## Also, don't forget to make the file executable, change the path to the Perl
## interpreter, and set the configuration variables below.
## To configure, read and modify the following lines up to the comment that
## reads "END OF CONFIGURATION BLOCK".  You may also need to modify the
## definition of which fields constitute a new job based on your jobspec.  This
## is in the allowed_job() function.
## use strict;
## use warnings;
use File::Basename;
my $freeJobCreation = 0; # anyone can create jobs from Perforce. this trumps
                         # the $enforceROFL option.
my $enforceROFL     = 1; # enforce the read-only status of certain fields
my $sameName        = 1; # use the same job name as that in the defect tracker
my $jobPrefix       = "";# text to prepend to the name of new jobs, for use
                         # with $sameName.

# Perforce user that is allowed to create new jobs and edit read-only fields.
# This is the same user that you configured P4DTG to use.
my $p4authuser = "p4dtguser";

# Server connection details.  Needed for "p4 job -o".
my $p4 = "p4 -p port -u $p4authuser ";

# print debugging information to STDOUT.
my $debug = 0;

# List of job fields that are writable by anyone from within Perforce.
# The ROFL (read-only field list) is much more amusing, but usually more verbose,
# so we use the inverse, the WFL (writable field list.)  Note that the case of
# the field names must be the same as is in your jobspec.
# Typically, these are just the job fields copied or mirrored to Bugzilla.

my %wfl = (
    "BZ_URL" => 1, "BZ_SEVERITY" => 1, "Summary" => 1,
    "BZ_PRIORITY" => 1, "ReportedBy" => 1,
    "BZ_VERSION" => 1
# runtime absolute path of this script.
my $scriptname = abs_path( $0 );
my $shortname = basename ($scriptname);
my $logfile;

if ($ENV{LOGS}) {
    $logfile = "$ENV{LOGS}/$shortname.log";
} else {
    $logfile = "$scriptname.log";


# turn off output buffering.
$| = 1;

use Carp                  ;
use strict                ;
use POSIX  qw( strftime ) ;
use Cwd    'abs_path'     ;

# takes the %formfile% data from is_new_job() and parses it into a hash.
sub read_form_var
    my @ar   = @_ ;
    my %hash      ;
    my $lino = 0  ;

    while( @ar )
    $_ = shift @ar;
    $lino += 1;
    if( $debug ) { print "starting.\n"; }

    if( /^#/ || /^$/ )
        if( $debug ) { print "skipping comment/empty line:  \"$_\".\n"; }

    if( $debug ) { print "after comment:  \"$_\"\n"; }

    # "key:  word" or, "key:\n\tword".
    if( /^(\w+):\s*(.*)/ )
        if( $debug ) { print "found \"$1\" and \"$2\".\n"; }
        my $k = $1;
        $hash{ $k } = $2 ;
        my $x = shift @ar;
        if( $debug ) { print "found next \"$x\".\n"; }

        $lino += 1;

        while( $x =~ /^\s+(.*)/ )
        $lino += 1;
        $hash{ $k } .= $1;

        if( $debug ) { print "also found \"$1\"\n\n"; }

        $x = shift @ar;
        last if ! length $x;

        if( ( length $x ) > 0 )
        unshift @ar, $x;
        if( $debug ) { print "pushing \"$x\" back.\n"; }
    if( $debug ) { print "out:  \"$_\".\n"; }

    if( $debug ) { print "out of read_form:  $lino.\n\n\n"; }

    # if the field is owned by DTG, trim any trailing whitespace
    # to accommodate non-conforming clients.  the modification to the
    # data here just affects the comparison, not saving.
    foreach my $k (keys %hash)
    my $v = $hash{ $k };
    if( $k =~ /^DTG_\w+/ && $v =~ /\s+$/ )
        # we don't substitute leading whitespace since that's already
        # trimmed by the parse.
        $hash{ $k } =~ s/\s+$//g;
        if( $debug )
        print "\nTrimmed whitespace in DTG field - '$k'.\n";
        print "'$v' became '$hash{$k}'\n"
    return %hash;

# run a p4 command and return the results.
sub P4()
    my $cmd = "@_";
    my $p4cmd = "$p4 $cmd 2>&1";
    my $result = `$p4cmd`;
    if( $result =~ /^Perforce client error:/ ||
    $result =~ /^Perforce password \(P4PASSWD\) invalid or unset\./ )
    my $errmsg = "\n\n$scriptname:  Possible script configuration error.\n";
    $errmsg .= "Found Perforce error text in command result.  Command was:\n";
    $errmsg .= "\"$p4cmd\"\nResulting text is:\n\n$result\n\n";
    print LOG $errmsg;
    print $errmsg;
    close LOG;
    exit 1;
    return $result;

# determines if a job is allowed or not.  this is based on whether or not
# the job is new, or if it doesn't touch read-only fields.
sub allowed_job()
    # the job as edited by the user.
    my %edjob = @_;

    my $jobname = $edjob{ "Job" };
    # check for metacharacters to prevent shell expansion.
    if( $jobname =~ /([\$\`\;\(])/g )
    { return 2; }

    # fetch the named job from the server so we can compare its
    # fields against that which the user is submitting.
    my $job = &P4( "job -o $jobname" );

    # the job of the same name as retrieved from the server.
    my %value = &read_form_var( split( /\n/, $job ) );

    if( $value{ "Job" } eq "new" )
    if( $debug ) { print "Rejected as new by name.\n"; }
    return 1;

    if( $debug )
    foreach ( keys %edjob ) { print "edjob:  $_:  \"" . $edjob{ $_ } . "\"\n"; }
    foreach ( keys %value ) { print "value:  $_:  \"" . $value{$_}   . "\"\n"; }

    # definition of a new job.  may need to be changed if jobspec differs.
    if( $value{ "Status" } =~ /unconfirmed/i &&
    $value{ "Summary" } =~ /\s*<enter description here>\s*/  ||
    $value{ "Description" } =~ /\s*<enter description here>\s*/ )
    # && $value{ "BZ_CREATIONDATE" } eq "1969/12/31 16:00:00" )
    if( $debug )
        print "Rejected as new by stat/desc/date:  " .
        $value{ "Status" }. ", " .
        $value{ "Description" } . "\n";
    return 1;

    foreach my $k ( keys %edjob )
    # some clients insert a pair of double quotes when they really
    # mean "empty field".  ignore the change if that's the case.
    if( !defined $value{ $k } && $edjob{ $k } eq '""' )
    if( $wfl{ $k } != 1 && $edjob{ $k } ne $value{ $k } )
        if( $debug )
        print "\n\nnew by wfl:  $k:\n\"" . $edjob{ $k }  . "\"\n\"" .
            $value{ $k } . "\"\n";
        print "l ed:  "   . length $edjob{ $k };
        print "\nl va:  " . length $value{ $k };
        return $k;

    return 0;

sub date_format()
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
    $year = $year + 1900;

    return "$year-$abbr[$mon] $mday,  $hour:$min:$sec";


# from %user% in trigger table
my $user       = $ARGV[ 0 ];

# from %formfile% in trigger table
my $formfile   = $ARGV[ 1 ];

chomp( $user     );
chomp( $formfile );

my $now = &date_format();

if ( "$user" eq "" || "$formfile" eq "" )
    print "$scriptname: Error: Missing argument\n";
    exit 1;

open( LOG,">> $logfile" )
    or croak( "$scriptname:  Couldn't open log file \"$logfile\":  $!" );

# read the form from the temporary file on disk.
open( F, "< $formfile" )
    or croak( "$scriptname:  Couldn't open temporary file \"$formfile\": $!" );
my @f = <F>;
my %value = read_form_var( @f );
close F;

my $jobname = $value{ "Job" };

my $result = &allowed_job( %value );

if( $freeJobCreation == 1 && $result == 1 )
    close LOG;
    exit 0;
if( "$user" ne "$p4authuser" && $result )
    print "\n\n";
    print "$scriptname:\n\nError:\n\tYou are not authorized to ";

    if( $result == 1 )
    print "create new jobs.\n";
    print LOG "$now:  user \"$user\" tried to create a new job named ";
    print LOG "\"$jobname\".\n";
    elsif( $result == 2 )
    print "create a job with the specified name (\"$jobname\").\n";
    print LOG "$now:  user \"$user\" tried to create a job name with ";
    print LOG "shell metacharacters (\"$jobname\").\n";
    print "modify read-only fields in an existing job.\n\tYou modified ";
    print "the \"$result\" field.  The fields that you may\n\tmodify ";
    print "are:\n\n";
    foreach( keys %wfl ) { print "\t\t$_\n"; }

    print LOG "$now:  user \"$user\" tried to modify read-only field ";
    print LOG "\"$result\" for job \"$jobname\".\n";

    print "\n";
    close LOG;
    exit 1;

my $dtName = $value{ "DTG_DTISSUE" };
if( $sameName == 1 && $value{ "Job" } =~ /new/i && length( $dtName ) > 0 )
    ## print "formfile:  $formfile\n";

    open( F, "> $formfile" ) or
croak( "$scriptname $now:  Couldn't open formfile \"$formfile\" for write.  $!"
    foreach my $line ( @f )
        if( $line =~ /^Job:/ ) { $line = "Job: $jobPrefix$dtName\n"; }
        print F $line;
    close F;

close LOG;

# exit, reporting to the Perforce server that the job edit can proceed.
exit 0;