Add required fields to the Helix Core Server job specification

To edit the Helix Core Server job specification, you must have Helix Core Server admin privilege. To add the required fields:

  1. At the command line, issue the p4 jobspec command. Helix Core Server launches a text editor displaying the job specification.
  2. Add the following fields (nnn indicates field numbers, which depend on what’s already defined in your job specification. For details, see the description of the p4 jobspec command in the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.)


    The DTG_MAPID field is required only if you intend to define segments for filtered replication. For details, see Filtered replication.

    nnn DTG_FIXES text 0 optional
    nnn DTG_DTISSUE word 32 optional
    nnn DTG_ERROR text 0 optional
    nnn DTG_MAPID word 32 optional
  3. If not already defined, add a date field that stores the date when the job was last modified and a word field that contains the name of the user who last modified the job. To guarantee that the data is propagated, the field-type attribute should read always. For example:

    nnn ModDate date 20 always
    nnn ModBy word 32 always

    (The preceding field names are examples. You can assign any valid field name when you edit the job specification.)

  4. Define the default value for the preceding fields as follows:

    ModDate $now
    ModBy $user
  5. Add any other fields necessary to hold your Defect tracker data.

  6. Exit the editor, saving your changes.

The attributes you assign to fields in the Helix Core Server job specification determine how the fields can be replicated in the defect tracker, as follows:

Job specification attribute Valid replication methods


Copy to defect tracker


Copy to defect tracker


Copy to defect tracker or mirror in defect tracker


Copy to defect tracker or mirror in defect tracker