Interface IClientSummary

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Client, ClientSummary

    public interface IClientSummary
    extends IServerResource
    Lightweight Perforce client interface that defines summary client metadata and associated operations, without providing client views or actual client-related operations. Corresponds closely to the information retruned by a "p4 clients" command.

    Lightweight IClientSummary objects are typically returned from client list operations such as IServer.getClientList; further use of these specs for heavier-weight operations (etc.) requires getting the full client (IClient) object from the server via an explicit getClient() or similar operation.

    Note that field setter methods defined below have local effect only, and in order to update the corresponding client on the Perforce server, you would need to create a corresponding full IClient object and update that object on the server. "Pure" IClientSummary objects (those implementing just the IClientSummary interface) are complete but are not refreshable or updateable (full IClient objects, on the other hand, are complete, refreshable, and updateable).

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Get the name of this client.
        the name of this client, if set or known; null otherwise.
      • setName

        void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Set the name of this client.
        name - new client name.
      • getUpdated

        java.util.Date getUpdated()
        Get the date the client's specification was last modified.
        the date the client's specification was last modified, or null if not known.
      • setUpdated

        void setUpdated​(java.util.Date updated)
        Set the client's updated date / time.
        updated - new updated date.
      • getAccessed

        java.util.Date getAccessed()
        Gets the date this client was last used in any way. Note that this is a server-side date and does not reflect client-side usage.
        the date this client was last used in any way, or null if not known.
      • setAccessed

        void setAccessed​(java.util.Date accessed)
        Set the client's accessed date / time.
        accessed - new accessed date.
      • getOwnerName

        java.lang.String getOwnerName()
        Get the name of the owner of this Perforce client.
        the name of the owner of this Perforce client, if known; null otherwise.
      • setOwnerName

        void setOwnerName​(java.lang.String ownerName)
        Set the name of the owner of this client.
        ownerName - the name of the owner of this Perforce client.
      • getHostName

        java.lang.String getHostName()
        Returns the name of the associated host, if any.
        the name of the associated host, if any; null otherwise.
      • setHostName

        void setHostName​(java.lang.String hostName)
        Set the name of the associated host.
        hostName - new host name.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns a short description of the Perforce server client.
        the short description of the client, or null if no such description is available.
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        Set the description associated with this client.
        description - new description string.
      • getRoot

        java.lang.String getRoot()
        Returns the root of this Perforce client.
        the root of this client, or null if no such root is available.
      • setRoot

        void setRoot​(java.lang.String root)
        Set the root of this client.
        root - new client root.
      • getAlternateRoots

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAlternateRoots()
        Get the alternate roots associated with this Perforce client, if any.
        list of alternate roots if they exist; null otherwise.
      • setAlternateRoots

        void setAlternateRoots​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> alternateRoots)
        Set the alternate roots associated with this Perforce client.
        alternateRoots - new alternate roots list. Note that order within the list is significant.
      • getLineEnd

        IClientSummary.ClientLineEnd getLineEnd()
        Get the line end options for this client.
        ClientLineEnd representing the line end options for this client.
      • setLineEnd

        void setLineEnd​(IClientSummary.ClientLineEnd lineEnd)
        Set the line end options for this client.
        lineEnd - ClientLineEnd representing the line end options for this client.
      • setOptions

        void setOptions​(IClientSummary.IClientOptions options)
        Set the client options associated with this client.
        options - new options.
      • getSubmitOptions

        IClientSummary.IClientSubmitOptions getSubmitOptions()
        Get the Perforce client changelist submit options associated with this client.
        non-null changelist submit options
      • setSubmitOptions

        void setSubmitOptions​(IClientSummary.IClientSubmitOptions submitOptions)
        Set the client submit options for this client.
        submitOptions - new client submit options.
      • getStream

        java.lang.String getStream()
        Get the stream's path in a stream depot, of the form //depotname/streamname, to which this client's view will be dedicated.
        the stream's path in a stream depot of this client, or null if this is not a stream client.
      • setStream

        void setStream​(java.lang.String stream)
        Set the stream's path in a stream depot, of the form //depotname/streamname, to which this client's view will be dedicated.
        stream - new stream's path in a stream depot of this client.
      • isStream

        boolean isStream()
        Convenience method to check if this is a stream client
        true, if stream
      • getServerId

        java.lang.String getServerId()
        Get the server id associated with this client.
        the server id associated with this client, or null if this client has no associated server id.
      • setServerId

        void setServerId​(java.lang.String serverId)
        Set the server id of this client.
        serverId - new server id for this client.
      • getStreamAtChange

        int getStreamAtChange()
        Get the changelist id associated with this dynamically generated back-in-time stream client.
        the changelist id associated with this dynamically generated back-in-time stream client, or IChangelist.UNKNOWN if this is not a dynamically generated back-in-time stream client.
      • setStreamAtChange

        void setStreamAtChange​(int streamAtChange)
        Set the changelist id associated with this dynamically generated back-in-time stream client.
        streamAtChange - new changelist id associated with this dynamically generated back-in-time stream client.
      • isUnloaded

        boolean isUnloaded()
        Return the "unloaded" status for this client.
        true iff the client is unloaded.
      • getType

        java.lang.String getType()
        Get the client workspace type 'graph' for Graph support
        String representation of the type
      • setType

        void setType​(java.lang.String type)
        Set the client workspace type 'graph' for Graph support
        type - the type as a String
      • getBackup

        java.lang.String getBackup()
        Get the client's participation in backup enable/disable. If not specified backup of a writable client defaults to enabled.
        String representation of the type
      • setBackup

        void setBackup​(java.lang.String backup)
        Set the client's participation in backup enable/disable
        backup - enable/disable as a String