Interface IStreamlog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IStreamlog
    Defines the methods and operations available on Perforce streamlogs returned from the server.

    Streamlogs are typically returned from the server's streamlog methods (e.g. getStreamlog) and normally contain only the fields returned by the Perforce "p4 streamlog" command.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getAction()
      Return action associated with the change typically add/edit/delete
      java.lang.Integer getAssociatedChange()
      Return Perforce changelist's number of changelist associated with the change.
      java.lang.Integer getChange()
      Return Perforce changelist's number.
      java.lang.String getClient()
      Get the name of the Perforce client workspace associated with this changelist.
      java.util.Date getDate()
      Get the date the changelist was created or last updated.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Return the description associated with this changelist.
      java.lang.String getStream()
      Return the stream path.
      java.util.List<IStreamIntegrationLog> getStreamIntegList()
      Return Integration history associated with changelist.
      java.lang.String getUser()
      Get the user associated with this changelist.
    • Method Detail

      • getStream

        java.lang.String getStream()
        Return the stream path.
        Stream path string.
      • getChange

        java.lang.Integer getChange()
        Return Perforce changelist's number.
        changelist number.
      • getAction

        java.lang.String getAction()
        Return action associated with the change typically add/edit/delete
        change action string add/delete/edit.
      • getDate

        java.util.Date getDate()
        Get the date the changelist was created or last updated.
        the date the changelist was created or last updated, or null if unknown.
      • getUser

        java.lang.String getUser()
        Get the user associated with this changelist.
        the username of the user associated with this changelist, or null if no such name exists or can be determined.
      • getClient

        java.lang.String getClient()
        Get the name of the Perforce client workspace associated with this changelist.
        the name of the client associated with this changelist, or null if not known.
      • getAssociatedChange

        java.lang.Integer getAssociatedChange()
        Return Perforce changelist's number of changelist associated with the change.
        changelist number.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Return the description associated with this changelist.
        textual changelist description, or null if no such description.
      • getStreamIntegList

        java.util.List<IStreamIntegrationLog> getStreamIntegList()
        Return Integration history associated with changelist.
        List of hash maps describing integrations.