Class IntegrationOptions

  • public class IntegrationOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    A helper class to gather together some of the (infinitely complex) less-common options available to the integrate method in one object. This relieves us of having a single integrate method with something like thirteen separate parameters....

    No attempt is made here to explain the various options and their semantics -- please consult the main Perforce integ command documentation for a full explanation -- but see also the explicit-value constructor below for a summary of option meanings.

    • Constructor Detail

      • IntegrationOptions

        public IntegrationOptions()
        Default constructor; will generate a suitable IntegrationOptions object with typically-safe and useful default options values for straightforward file-to-file integrations.
      • IntegrationOptions

        public IntegrationOptions​(boolean useHaveRev,
                                  boolean baselessMerge,
                                  boolean displayBaseDetails,
                                  boolean propagateType,
                                  boolean dontCopyToClient,
                                  boolean force,
                                  boolean bidirectionalInteg,
                                  boolean reverseMapping,
                                  java.lang.String[] deletedOptions)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        useHaveRev - causes the target files to be left at the revision currently on the client (the '#have' revision)
        baselessMerge - enables integration between files that have no integration history
        displayBaseDetails - displays the base file name and revision which will be used in subsequent resolves if a resolve is needed
        propagateType - makes the source file's filetype propagate to the target file
        dontCopyToClient - makes the integration work faster by not copying newly branched files to the client
        force - if true, forces integrate to act without regard for previous integration history
        bidirectionalInteg - causes the branch view to work bidirectionally, where the scope of the command is limited to integrations whose 'from' files match fromFile[revRange]
        reverseMapping - reverse the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place. The branchSpec parameter will be required in the associated integration call.
        deletedOptions - if non-null, must contain zero or more non-null entries with individual values "d", "Dt", "Ds", or "Di"; null, inconsistent, or conflicting option values here will have unspecified and potentially incorrect effects.
    • Method Detail

      • isUseHaveRev

        public boolean isUseHaveRev()
      • setUseHaveRev

        public void setUseHaveRev​(boolean useHaveRev)
      • isBaselessMerge

        public boolean isBaselessMerge()
      • setBaselessMerge

        public void setBaselessMerge​(boolean baselessMerge)
      • isDisplayBaseDetails

        public boolean isDisplayBaseDetails()
      • setDisplayBaseDetails

        public void setDisplayBaseDetails​(boolean displayBaseDetails)
      • isPropagateType

        public boolean isPropagateType()
      • setPropagateType

        public void setPropagateType​(boolean propagateType)
      • isDontCopyToClient

        public boolean isDontCopyToClient()
      • setDontCopyToClient

        public void setDontCopyToClient​(boolean dontCopyToClient)
      • isForce

        public boolean isForce()
      • setForce

        public void setForce​(boolean force)
      • isBidirectionalInteg

        public boolean isBidirectionalInteg()
      • setBidirectionalInteg

        public void setBidirectionalInteg​(boolean bidirectionalInteg)
      • getDeletedOptions

        public java.lang.String[] getDeletedOptions()
      • setDeletedOptions

        public void setDeletedOptions​(java.lang.String[] deletedOptions)
      • isReverseMapping

        public boolean isReverseMapping()
      • setReverseMapping

        public void setReverseMapping​(boolean reverseMapping)
      • getMaxFiles

        public int getMaxFiles()
      • setMaxFiles

        public void setMaxFiles​(int maxFiles)