Class ClientSubmitOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientSubmitOptions

        public ClientSubmitOptions()
        Default constructor; sets all fields to false.
      • ClientSubmitOptions

        public ClientSubmitOptions​(java.lang.String optString)
        Attempts to construct a ClientSubmitOptions object from a typical p4 cmd options string, e.g. "revertunchanged+reopen", or from a map returned from the server (where it's more commonly in the format "revertunchangedReopen". If optString is null, this is equivalent to calling the default constructor.

        Note that the optString parser is fairly permissive in what it will accept; for example, the string "submitunchanged submitunchanged+reopen" is accepted just fine even though it's a little redundant, and no real attempt is made to enforce the mutual exclusivity of the options.

        optString - options
      • ClientSubmitOptions

        public ClientSubmitOptions​(boolean submitunchanged,
                                   boolean submitunchangedReopen,
                                   boolean revertunchanged,
                                   boolean revertunchangedReopen,
                                   boolean leaveunchanged,
                                   boolean leaveunchangedReopen)
        Explicit-value constructor. Note that nonsensical constructs like submitunchanged = false and submitunchangedReopen = true are accepted silently; also, no attempt is made to enforce mutual exclusivity here.
        submitunchanged - submitunchanged
        submitunchangedReopen - submitunchangedReopen
        revertunchanged - revertunchanged
        revertunchangedReopen - revertunchangedReopen
        leaveunchanged - leaveunchanged
        leaveunchangedReopen - leaveunchangedReopen