Class ClientView

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClientView
    extends ViewMap<IClientViewMapping>
    Simple default generic implementation class for the IClientView and associated IClientViewMapping interfaces. Relies heavily on being a simple extension of the underlying ViewMap class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientView

        public ClientView()
        Default constructor; simply calls the superclass default constructor and sets this.client to null.
      • ClientView

        public ClientView​(IClient client,
                          java.util.List<IClientViewMapping> mapping)
        Construct a ClientView from the passed-in client and mapping list.
        client - client
        mapping - mapping
    • Method Detail

      • getClient

        public IClient getClient()
        Get the client object (not path) associated with this view, if any.
        Client object
      • setClient

        public void setClient​(IClient client)
        Set the client object (not path) associated with this view, if any.
        client - Client object