Class ExtendedFileSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec()
        Default constructor. Sets all boolean fields to false, object fields to null, integers to zero.
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(java.lang.String pathStr)
        Given a candidate path string (which may include version and changelist annotations, at least), try to construct a corresponding extended file spec.

        See the corresponding FileSpec constructor for details -- this constructor does not add any ExtendedFileSpec-specific semantics.

        pathStr - candidate path string
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(FileSpecOpStatus status,
                                java.lang.String errStr)
        Construct an ExtendedFileSpec object from a status, message string pair. See the corresponding FileSpec constructor for details -- this constructor does not add any ExtendedFileSpec-specific semantics.
        status - FileSpecOpStatus status.
        errStr - error / info message string.
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map,
                                IServer server)
        Construct an ExtendedFileSpec object from the passed-in map. The map must be (or have the same keys and semantics as) a map as returned from a suitable Perforce server call; the semantics and format of this map are not spelled out here.
        map - suitable field map from Perforce server; if null, this constructor has the same semantics as the default constructor.
        server - non-null server object
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(FileSpecOpStatus status,
                                java.lang.String errStr,
                                java.lang.String errCodeStr)
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(FileSpecOpStatus status,
                                java.lang.String errStr,
                                int rawCode)
      • ExtendedFileSpec

        public ExtendedFileSpec​(FileSpecOpStatus status,
                                java.lang.String errStr,
                                int genericCode,
                                int severityCode)
        Construct an ExtendedFileSpec object from a status, message string, generic code, severity code tuple. See the corresponding FileSpec constructor for details -- this constructor does not add any ExtendedFileSpec-specific semantics.
        status - FileSpecOpStatus status.
        errStr - error / info message string.
        genericCode - Perforce generic code to use
        severityCode - Perforce severity code to use.