Interface IExtensionSummary

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getExtArchDir()
      Returns the path to the file in the server extension’s unpacked archive directory.
      java.lang.String getExtDataDir()
      Returns the path in which the server extension will store the files it creates.
      java.lang.String getExtDescriptionSnippet()
      Get the Extension description snippet.
      java.lang.String getExtDeveloper()
      Get Extension developer.
      java.lang.String getExtEnabled()
      Check if Extension is enabled or disabled.
      boolean getExtGlobalConf()
      Check if Extension has global config
      boolean getExtInstanceConf()
      Check if Extension has instance config
      java.lang.String getExtName()
      Get the name of the Extension being configured.
      java.lang.String getExtRev()
      Get the revision of the Extension being configured.
      java.lang.String getExtUUID()
      Get the UUID/key of the Extension being configured.
      java.lang.String getExtVersion()
      Get the version of the Extension being configured.
      java.lang.String getNameSpace()
      Get the namespace of this Extension config.
      void setExtArchDir​(java.lang.String extArchDir)
      Set the path to the file in the server extension’s unpacked archive directory.
      void setExtDataDir​(java.lang.String extDataDir)
      Set path in which the server extension will store the files it creates.
      void setExtDescriptionSnippet​(java.lang.String extDescriptionSnippet)
      Set the Extension description snippet.
      void setExtDeveloper​(java.lang.String extDeveloper)
      Set the extension developer field.
      void setExtEnabled​(java.lang.String extEnabled)
      Enable or disable the extension
      void setExtGlobalConf​(boolean extGlobalConf)
      Set extension as a global.
      void setExtInstanceConf​(boolean extInstanceConf)
      Set extension as an instance.
      void setExtName​(java.lang.String extName)
      Set the name of the Extension being configured.
      void setExtRev​(java.lang.String extRev)
      Set the revision of the Extension being configured.
      void setExtUUID​(java.lang.String extUUID)
      Set the UUID/key of the Extension being configured.
      void setExtVersion​(java.lang.String extVersion)
      Set the version of the Extension being configured.
      void setNameSpace​(java.lang.String name)
      Set the namespace of this Extension config.
    • Method Detail

      • getExtName

        java.lang.String getExtName()
        Get the name of the Extension being configured.
        Extension name
      • getExtVersion

        java.lang.String getExtVersion()
        Get the version of the Extension being configured.
        Extension version
      • getExtUUID

        java.lang.String getExtUUID()
        Get the UUID/key of the Extension being configured.
        Extension UUID
      • getExtRev

        java.lang.String getExtRev()
        Get the revision of the Extension being configured.
        Extension revision
      • getExtEnabled

        java.lang.String getExtEnabled()
        Check if Extension is enabled or disabled.
      • getNameSpace

        java.lang.String getNameSpace()
        Get the namespace of this Extension config.
      • getExtDeveloper

        java.lang.String getExtDeveloper()
        Get Extension developer.
        Extension developer
      • getExtDescriptionSnippet

        java.lang.String getExtDescriptionSnippet()
        Get the Extension description snippet.
        Description snippet
      • getExtArchDir

        java.lang.String getExtArchDir()
        Returns the path to the file in the server extension’s unpacked archive directory. This path is relative to the server.extensions.dir configurable.
        Extension archive directory
      • getExtDataDir

        java.lang.String getExtDataDir()
        Returns the path in which the server extension will store the files it creates.
        Extension data directory
      • getExtGlobalConf

        boolean getExtGlobalConf()
        Check if Extension has global config
      • getExtInstanceConf

        boolean getExtInstanceConf()
        Check if Extension has instance config
      • setExtName

        void setExtName​(java.lang.String extName)
        Set the name of the Extension being configured.
        extName - name
      • setExtVersion

        void setExtVersion​(java.lang.String extVersion)
        Set the version of the Extension being configured.
        extVersion - version
      • setExtUUID

        void setExtUUID​(java.lang.String extUUID)
        Set the UUID/key of the Extension being configured.
        extUUID - UUID
      • setExtRev

        void setExtRev​(java.lang.String extRev)
        Set the revision of the Extension being configured.
        extRev - revision
      • setExtEnabled

        void setExtEnabled​(java.lang.String extEnabled)
        Enable or disable the extension
        extEnabled - true/false
      • setNameSpace

        void setNameSpace​(java.lang.String name)
        Set the namespace of this Extension config.
        name - name
      • setExtDeveloper

        void setExtDeveloper​(java.lang.String extDeveloper)
        Set the extension developer field.
        extDeveloper - developer
      • setExtDescriptionSnippet

        void setExtDescriptionSnippet​(java.lang.String extDescriptionSnippet)
        Set the Extension description snippet.
        extDescriptionSnippet - description
      • setExtArchDir

        void setExtArchDir​(java.lang.String extArchDir)
        Set the path to the file in the server extension’s unpacked archive directory. This path is relative to the server.extensions.dir configurable.
        extArchDir - archive directory
      • setExtDataDir

        void setExtDataDir​(java.lang.String extDataDir)
        Set path in which the server extension will store the files it creates.
        extDataDir - data directory
      • setExtGlobalConf

        void setExtGlobalConf​(boolean extGlobalConf)
        Set extension as a global.
        extGlobalConf - is global
      • setExtInstanceConf

        void setExtInstanceConf​(boolean extInstanceConf)
        Set extension as an instance.
        extInstanceConf - is instance