Class ClientSendFile

  • public class ClientSendFile
    extends java.lang.Object
    Implements some specialised file methods for sending file data back to the Perforce server. May be refactored into other classes later when the scope of the methods here is clearer -- HR.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String TRACE_PREFIX  
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected ClientSendFile​(java.util.Properties props)
      Create a new rpc file sender
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientSendFile

        protected ClientSendFile​(java.util.Properties props)
        Create a new rpc file sender
        props - props
    • Method Detail

      • sendFile

        protected RpcPacketDispatcher.RpcPacketDispatcherResult sendFile​(RpcConnection rpcConnection,
                                                                         CommandEnv cmdEnv,
                                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> resultsMap)
                                                                  throws ConnectionException
        Send a file's contents back to the Perforce server. Notably assumes a late model server...

        FIXME: digest stuff is not yet implemented -- HR. FIXME: error handling is typically nearly non-existent -- HR. FIXME: charset issues -- HR. FIXME: rework to use proper flush protocol implementation -- HR.

        rpcConnection - rpcConnection
        cmdEnv - cmdEnv
        resultsMap - resultsMap
        - result
        ConnectionException - on error