Class PerforceCharsets

  • public class PerforceCharsets
    extends java.lang.Object
    Encapsulates Perforce-wide charset information for servers.

    Unfortunately, support for Unicode and associated charsets is somewhat server- and installation-dependent, and not easy to divine unless you're already talking to a Perforce server -- by which time it's too late. This class is an attempt to make it easier to cut that Gordian knot...

    Note that the names below are not actually the standard name for the charset in some cases: e.g. UTF-8 should be "utf-8" not "utf8", but we follow the Perforce server's rules here.

    The following are special cases.

     "auto" (Guess a P4CHARSET based on client OS params)
     "none" (same as unsetting P4CHARSET)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String getJavaCharsetName​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
      Get Java equivalent charset name for a p4 charset name
      static java.lang.String[] getKnownCharsets()
      Get known P4 charsets
      static java.nio.charset.Charset getP4Charset​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
      Get the matching Java charset for a given P4 charset name.
      static java.lang.String getP4CharsetName​(java.lang.String javaCharsetName)
      Get the first matching Perforce equivalent charset name for a given Java charset name.
      static boolean hasClientBOM​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)  
      static boolean isSupported​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
      Is the P4 charset name specified supported?
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • PerforceCharsets

        public PerforceCharsets()
    • Method Detail

      • getKnownCharsets

        public static java.lang.String[] getKnownCharsets()
        Get known P4 charsets
        - array of p4 charset names
      • getP4CharsetName

        public static java.lang.String getP4CharsetName​(java.lang.String javaCharsetName)
        Get the first matching Perforce equivalent charset name for a given Java charset name. Multiple Perforce charsets can be mapped to a Java charset (i.e. Perforce "utf8-bom" and "utf8unchecked" are mapped to Java "UTF-8")
        javaCharsetName - charset
        - Perforce charset name
      • getP4Charset

        public static java.nio.charset.Charset getP4Charset​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
        Get the matching Java charset for a given P4 charset name.
        p4CharsetName - charset
        - Java charset
      • getJavaCharsetName

        public static java.lang.String getJavaCharsetName​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
        Get Java equivalent charset name for a p4 charset name
        p4CharsetName - charset
        - Java charset name
      • hasClientBOM

        public static boolean hasClientBOM​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
        p4CharsetName - charset
        true, if client charset has BOM
      • isSupported

        public static boolean isSupported​(java.lang.String p4CharsetName)
        Is the P4 charset name specified supported?
        p4CharsetName - charset
        - true if supported, false otherwise