Interface IFilterCallback

  • public interface IFilterCallback
    Interface used to filter out individual key/value pairs from the results map using the execMapCmd and/or other command methods. Users can implement this interface if they want to skip certain key/value pairs or all subsequence pairs from getting into the results map.

    The callbacks occur during critical sections of the underlying RPC protocol handlers and that callback implementers should ensure that the callback methods return as quickly as possible and that they do not themselves call back into the server layer.

    If any of the callback methods throw a P4JavaException the system will rethrow the same exception from the main streaming command method after attempting to clean up; similarly with P4JavaErrors. In either case, while the main method has returned and no more results are available, the state of the underlying protocol layers is not defined, and you should proceed carefully from that point on (in the case of 'ordinary' P4JavaExceptions, the underlying state is actually typically stable and OK for continuing on, with a possible delay due to non-terminated results still being sent to the API; however, all bets are off with the P4JavaError case).

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getDoNotSkipKeysMap()
      Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to get a map of do-not-skip keys for informing the RPC layer not to skip them.
      void reset()
      Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to reset any counters and other variables.
      boolean skip​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean skipSubsequent)
      When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual key/value pair is being processed for the current received RPC packet from the Perforce server.
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        void reset()
            throws P4JavaException
        Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to reset any counters and other variables.
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.
      • skip

        boolean skip​(java.lang.String key,
                     java.lang.Object value,
                     java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean skipSubsequent)
              throws P4JavaException
        When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual key/value pair is being processed for the current received RPC packet from the Perforce server. The consumer needs to make a decision to skip or keep this key/value pair in the results map. The consumer can also decide to skip all (with some exceptions) subsequent pairs for the rest of the current received RPC packet.

        Consumers are assumed to be able to make sense of the key/value pair quickly and on their own -- no help is (currently...) given to consumers with this.

        NOTE: this method is called in a critical section of the underlying P4Java client / server protocol handler, and must not cause any undue delays or calls back into the server. Serious protocol-level errors and / or major performance problems can result from even minor implementation errors with this method (and these problems can be extremely difficult to debug), so you are on your own if you use this feature.

        key - possibly-null key (string) part of the key/value pair.
        value - possibly-null value (object) part of the key/value pair.
        skipSubsequent - reference parameter passed-in from the RPC layer. Set this to true if the callback wants to skip subsequent key/value pairs for the rest of the current received RPC packet. Note that some RPC protocol related key/value pairs (i.e. 'func', etc.) are not skipped.
        true if the callback wants skip this key/value pair from getting into the results map; false otherwise (keep this key/value pair in the results map).
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.
      • getDoNotSkipKeysMap

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getDoNotSkipKeysMap()
                                                                            throws P4JavaException
        Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to get a map of do-not-skip keys for informing the RPC layer not to skip them.

        Only the map keys are used for lookups; the map values are not used. This is normally used coincide with the 'skipSubsequent' callback reference parameter set to true in the 'skip()' method.

        NOTE: since this method is called frequently, the do-not-skip keys map should probably be constructed once and outside of this method. Maybe a good place to build this map is in a constructor or an initialization method.

        possibly-null map of do-not-skip keys.
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.