Interface ILogCallback

  • public interface ILogCallback
    General P4Java-wide logger callback interface. Designed to be used by consumers to receive logging events from the P4Java classes and methods; these can then be logged appropriately in the consumer's own log(s) or reported in a popup, etc.

    Logging messages can range from mundane reports of connection startup and shutdown to detailed exception and tracing events, and consumers should plan accordingly. In particular, tracing events should only be enabled when you are debugging P4Java in conjunction with Perforce staff (unless you want to cope with enormous log files...); info and stats messages are entirely optional but might be useful for your own tracing purposes; warnings and errors should always be logged, as P4Java only uses these for things it regards as possible signs of something going wrong ahead of time (warnings), or real errors.

    Note that there is only one such listener per instance of P4Java, which effectively means per server factory instance rather than per IServer.

    Note also that the format of the strings reported through this mechanism is not well-defined, and that the intention here is that the consumer should wrap the messages in their own logging formatting with date / time prepended, etc.

    NOTE: you must ensure that there are no threading or reentrancy issues with your implementation of this interface, and that calling any of the methods here will not cause the caller (P4Java) to block or spend too much time processing the callback.

    • Method Detail

      • internalError

        void internalError​(java.lang.String errorString)
        Report a P4Java-internal error. These are usually fatal errors encountered deep within P4Java, and will typically be accompanied by an exception or other throwable. These should always be logged by the consumer if possible.
        errorString - non-null error string; may contain newlines.
      • internalException

        void internalException​(java.lang.Throwable thr)
        Report an unexpected or otherwise interesting exception seen internally. Such exceptions are almost always the sign of something going horribly wrong, so these should always be logged if possible. The exceptions here are almost always immediately preceded by an internalError message that gives a more abstract view of what's going wrong.
        thr - non-null Throwable.
      • internalWarn

        void internalWarn​(java.lang.String warnString)
        Report a P4Java-internal warning. These are usually non-fatal issues encountered withing P4Java, and probably will not be accompanied by an exception, but should probably be logged by the consumer.
        warnString - non-null warning message; may contain newlines.
      • internalInfo

        void internalInfo​(java.lang.String infoString)
        Report a P4Java-internal informational event. These are typically "just letting you know" messages that can be logged or ignored with impunity.
        infoString - non-null info message; may contain newlines.
      • internalStats

        void internalStats​(java.lang.String statsString)
        Report some P4Java-internal statistics. These statistics are typically just statistics gathered over the course of some time period that may be useful to Perforce or end users; these can be logged or ignored with impunity.
        statsString - non-null stats message; may contain newlines.
      • internalTrace

        void internalTrace​(ILogCallback.LogTraceLevel traceLevel,
                           java.lang.String traceMessage)
        Report an internal P4Java trace message at the passed-in trace level.
        traceLevel - trace level for associated message
        traceMessage - non-null trace message; may contain newlines.
      • getTraceLevel

        ILogCallback.LogTraceLevel getTraceLevel()
        the trace level being used in the callback. Used within P4Java to determine whether it's worth constructing trace messages on the fly or to ignore certain tracing calls.