Interface IStreamingCallback

  • public interface IStreamingCallback
    Interface used to communicate individual results to users using the execStreaminMapCommand and / or other streaming command methods.

    Users must implement this interface if they're using the streaming command interface, but little or no restrictions are placed on implementations beyond noting that the callbacks occur during critical sections of the underlying RPC protocol handlers and that callback implementers should ensure that the callback methods return as quickly as possible and that they do not themselves call back into the server layer.

    Note that the ability to have the command stopped as a result of a callback returning false is mentioned but not promised -- the RPC layer may continue calling the callbacks (or not), or it may stop calling the callbacks (or not); and in any case, it may still continue to field results from the Perforce server even though it is no longer calling the relevant callback. The reasons for this are mostly due to the protocol itself, and users should write their callbacks accordingly and robustly. In pathological cases it is even possible that a callback's endResults method is never called, so implementers need to also plan for that.

    If any of the callback methods throw a P4JavaException the system will rethrow the same exception from the main streaming command method after attempting to clean up; similarly with P4JavaErrors. In either case, while the main method has returned and no more results are available, the state of the underlying protocol layers is not defined, and you should proceed carefully from that point on (in the case of 'ordinary' P4JavaExceptions, the underlying state is actually typically stable and OK for continuing on, with a possible delay due to non-terminated results still being sent to the API; however, all bets are off with the P4JavaError case).

    NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean endResults​(int key)
      When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been completed at the Perforce server, and that no more results will be available from the associated command.
      boolean handleResult​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> resultMap, int key)
      When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual result or error / warning / info message is available in map form from the Perforce server.
      boolean startResults​(int key)
      When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been issued to the Perforce server.
    • Method Detail

      • startResults

        boolean startResults​(int key)
                      throws P4JavaException
        When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been issued to the Perforce server.
        key - opaque integer key as passed to the associated streaming method.
        true if the callback wants the command to continue normally; false otherwise.
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.
      • endResults

        boolean endResults​(int key)
                    throws P4JavaException
        When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been completed at the Perforce server, and that no more results will be available from the associated command.
        key - opaque integer key as passed to the associated streaming method.
        true if the callback wants the command to continue normally; false otherwise (ignored with this method).
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.
      • handleResult

        boolean handleResult​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> resultMap,
                             int key)
                      throws P4JavaException
        When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual result or error / warning / info message is available in map form from the Perforce server.

        Consumers are assumed to be able to make sense of (i.e. deserialize) the map payload quickly and on their own -- no help is (currently...) given to consumers with this, although there are many suitable map-based constructors available for the common object types within the P4Java impl packages.

        NOTE: this method is called in a critical section of the underlying P4Java client / server protocol handler, and must not cause any undue delays or calls back into the server. Serious protocol-level errors and / or major performance problems can result from even minor implementation errors with this method (and these problems can be extremely difficult to debug), so you are on your own if you use this streaming feature.

        resultMap - non-null map of results from the server. The map may represent a single result from the server, or a single status (error / info, etc.) message either from the server or from the lower levels of the P4Java implementation. This means there may be more than one class to handleResult for each 'result' -- consumers must be able to cope with this.
        key - opaque integer key as passed to the associated streaming method.
        true if the callback wants the command to continue normally; false otherwise (ignored with this method).
        P4JavaException - if any problem that should stop normal command processing.