Interface IDuplicateDelegator

    • Method Detail

      • duplicateRevisions

        java.util.List<IFileSpec> duplicateRevisions​(IFileSpec fromFile,
                                                     IFileSpec toFile,
                                                     DuplicateRevisionsOptions opts)
                                              throws P4JavaException
        Duplicate revisions with integration history (unsupported).

        Duplicate revisions as if they always existed. All aspects of the source revisions are mirrored to the target revisions, including changelist number, date, attributes, and contents. The target revision must not already exist and the target file must not be opened (for any operation) on any client.

        Note that integration records are duplicated as well. 'p4 duplicate' followed by a 'p4 obliterate' (of the source revisions) is in effect a deep rename operation, with any source revision in client workspace or labels forgotten. The full semantics of this operation are found in the main 'p4 help duplicate' documentation.

        fromFile - non-null source file.
        toFile - non-null target file.
        opts - possibly-null CopyFilesOptions object specifying method options.
        non-null but possibly empty list of duplicated file info/error messages.
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.