Interface IOpenedDelegator

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<IFileSpec> getOpenedFiles​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean allClients, java.lang.String clientName, int maxFiles, int changeListId)
      If one or more Perforce file specs is passed-in, return the opened / locked status of each file (if known) within an IFileSpec object; otherwise return a list of all files known to be open for this Perforce client workspace.
      java.util.List<IFileSpec> getOpenedFiles​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, OpenedFilesOptions opts)
      If one or more Perforce file specs is passed-in, return the opened / locked status of each file (if known) within an IFileSpec object; otherwise return a list of all files known to be open for this Perforce client workspace.
    • Method Detail

      • getOpenedFiles

        java.util.List<IFileSpec> getOpenedFiles​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs,
                                                 boolean allClients,
                                                 java.lang.String clientName,
                                                 int maxFiles,
                                                 int changeListId)
                                          throws ConnectionException,
        If one or more Perforce file specs is passed-in, return the opened / locked status of each file (if known) within an IFileSpec object; otherwise return a list of all files known to be open for this Perforce client workspace.

        The returned list can be modified with the other arguments as described below.

        fileSpecs - if non-empty, determine the status of the specified files; otherwise return all qualifying files known to be open
        allClients - if true, return results for all known clients rather than the current client (if any).
        clientName - if non-null, return results for the named client only.
        maxFiles - if positive, return only the first maxFiles qualifying files.
        changeListId - if positive, return only files associated with the given changelist ID; if IChangelist.DEFAULT, retrieve files open associated with the default changelist.
        non-null but possibly-empty list of qualifying open files. Not all fields in individual file specs will be valid or make sense to be accessed.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
      • getOpenedFiles

        java.util.List<IFileSpec> getOpenedFiles​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs,
                                                 OpenedFilesOptions opts)
                                          throws P4JavaException
        If one or more Perforce file specs is passed-in, return the opened / locked status of each file (if known) within an IFileSpec object; otherwise return a list of all files known to be open for this Perforce client workspace.

        fileSpecs - if non-empty, determine the status of the specified files; otherwise return all qualifying files known to be open
        opts - possibly-null OpenedFilesOptions object object specifying method options.
        non-null but possibly-empty list of qualifying open files. Not all fields in individual file specs will be valid or make sense to be accessed.
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.