Interface IPasswdDelegator

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String changePassword​(java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword, java.lang.String userName)
      Change a user's password on the server.
    • Method Detail

      • changePassword

        java.lang.String changePassword​(java.lang.String oldPassword,
                                        java.lang.String newPassword,
                                        java.lang.String userName)
                                 throws P4JavaException
        Change a user's password on the server. After a password is changed for a user, the user must login again with the new password. Specifying a username as an argument to this command requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'

        Note: setting the 'newPassword' to null or empty will delete the password.

        oldPassword - possibly-null or possibly-empty user's old password. If null or empty, it assumes the current password is not set.
        newPassword - non-null and non-empty user's new password.
        userName - possibly-null possibly-null name of the target user whose password will be changed to the new password. If null, the current user will be used. If non-null, this command requires 'super' access granted by 'p4 protect'.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.