Class P4


Main interface to the PHP client API.

This module provides an object-oriented interface to Helix Server, the Perforce version control system. Data is returned in arrays and input can also be supplied in these formats.

Each P4 object represents a connection to the Helix Server, and multiple commands may be executed (serially) over a single connection (which of itself can result in substantially improved performance if executing long sequences of Helix Server commands).

  1. Instantiate your P4 object.
  2. Specify your Helix Server client environment:

    • client
    • host
    • password
    • port
    • user
  3. Set any options to control output or error handling:

    • exception_level
  4. Connect to the Perforce service.

    The Helix Server protocol is not designed to support multiple concurrent queries over the same connection. Multithreaded applications that use the C++ API or derived APIs (including P4PHP) should ensure that a separate connection is used for each thread, or that only one thread may use a shared connection at a time.

  5. Run your Helix Server commands.
  6. Disconnect from the Perforce service.


P4::api_level -> int

Contains the API compatibility level desired. This is useful when writing scripts using Helix Server commands that do not yet support tagged output. In these cases, upgrading to a later server that supports tagged output for the commands in question can break your script. Using this method allows you to lock your script to the output format of an older Helix Server release and facilitate seamless upgrades. Must be called before calling P4::connect().


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->api_level = 57; // Lock to 2005.1 format




For more information about the API integer levels, see Protocol levels: server/client in the Helix Core Server Administrator Guide.

P4::charset -> string

Contains the character set to use when connect to a Unicode enabled server. Do not use when working with non-Unicode-enabled servers. By default, the character set is the value of the P4CHARSET environment variable. If the character set is invalid, this method raises a P4_Exception.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->client = "www";
$p4->charset = "iso8859-1";



P4::client -> string

Contains the name of your client workspace. By default, this is the value of the P4CLIENT taken from any P4CONFIG file present, or from the environment according to the normal Helix Server conventions.

P4::cwd -> string

Contains the current working directly. Can be called prior to executing any Helix Server command. Sometimes necessary if your script executes a chdir() as part of its processing.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->cwd = "/home/bruno"


P4::errors -> array (read-only)

Returns an array containing the error messages received during the execution of the last command. The exception is parallel sync, where errors are returned to stderr instead.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->exception_level = 1;
$p4->connect();  // P4_Exception on failure
$p4->run_sync(); // File(s) up-to-date is a warning; no exception raised

$err = $p4->errors;
print_r( $err );



P4::exception_level -> int

Configures the events which give rise to exceptions. The following three levels are supported:

  • 0 : disables all exception handling and makes the interface completely procedural; you are responsible for checking the P4::errors and P4::warnings arrays.
  • 1 : causes exceptions to be raised only when errors are encountered.
  • 2 : causes exceptions to be raised for both errors and warnings. This is the default.

For example:


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->exception_level = 1;
$p4->connect();  // P4_Exception on failure
$p4->run_sync(); // File(s) up-to-date is a warning; no exception raised


P4::expand_sequences -> bool

Controls whether keys with trailing numbers are expanded into arrays when using tagged output. By default, expand_sequences is true to maintain backwards compatibility. Expansion can be enabled and disabled on a per-command basis.

For example:


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->expand_sequences = false; // disables sequence expansion.
$result = $p4->run( 'fstat', '-Oa', '//depot/path/...' );
var_dump( $result );


P4::handler -> handler

Contains the output handler.

P4::host -> string

Contains the name of the current host. It defaults to the value of P4HOST taken from any P4CONFIG file present, or from the environment as per the usual Helix Server convention. Must be called before connecting to the Helix Server.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->host = "";


P4::input -> string | array

Contains input for the next command.

Set this property prior to running a command that requires input from the user. When the command requests input, the specified data is supplied to the command. Typically, commands of the form p4 cmd -i are invoked using the P4::save_<spectype>() methods, which retrieve the value from P4::input internally; there is no need to set P4::input when using the P4::save_<spectype>() shortcuts.

You may pass a string, an array, or (for commands that take multiple inputs from the user) an array of strings or arrays. If you pass an array, note that the first element of the array will be popped each time Helix Server asks the user for input.

For example, the following code supplies a description for the default changelist and then submits it to the depot:


$p4 = new P4();

$change = $p4->run_change( "-o" )[0];
$change[ 'Description' ] = "Autosubmitted changelist";
$p4->input = $change;
$p4->run_submit( "-i" );


P4::maxlocktime -> int

Limit the amount of time (in milliseconds) spent during data scans to prevent the server from locking tables for too long. Commands that take longer than the limit will be aborted. The limit remains in force until you disable it by setting it to zero. See p4 help maxlocktime for information on the commands that support this limit.

P4::maxresults -> int

Limit the number of results Helix Server permits for subsequent commands. Commands that produce more than this number of results will be aborted. The limit remains in force until you disable it by setting it to zero. See p4 help maxresults for information on the commands that support this limit.

P4::maxscanrows -> int

Limit the number of database records Helix Server scans for subsequent commands. Commands that attempt to scan more than this number of records will be aborted. The limit remains in force until you disable it by setting it to zero. See p4 help maxscanrows for information on the commands that support this limit.

P4::p4config_file -> string (read-only)

Contains the name of the current P4CONFIG file, if any. This property cannot be set.

P4::password -> string

Contains your Helix Server password or login ticket. If not used, takes the value of P4PASSWD from any P4CONFIG file in effect, or from the environment according to the normal Helix Server conventions.

This password is also used if you later call P4::run_login() to log in using the 2003.2 and later ticket system. After running P4::run_login(), the property contains the ticket the allocated by the server.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->password = "mypass";




P4::port -> string

Contains the host and port of the Helix Server to which you want to connect. It defaults to the value of P4PORT in any P4CONFIG file in effect, and then to the value of P4PORT taken from the environment.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->port = "localhost:1666";




P4::prog -> string

Contains the name of the program, as reported to Helix Server system administrators running p4 monitor show -e. The default is unnamed p4-php script


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->prog = "sync-script";
print $p4->prog;




P4::server_level -> int (read-only)

Returns the current Helix Server level. Each iteration of the Helix Server is given a level number. As part of the initial communication this value is passed between the client application and the Helix Server. This value is used to determine the communication that the Helix Server will understand. All subsequent requests can therefore be tailored to meet the requirements of this server level.

This property is 0 before the first command is run, and is set automatically after the first communication with the server.

For more information about the Helix Server version levels, see Protocol levels: server/client in the Helix Core Server Administrator Guide.

P4::streams -> bool

If true, P4::streams enables support for streams. By default, streams support is enabled at 2011.1 or higher (api_level >= 70). Raises a P4Exception if you attempt to enable streams on a pre-2011.1 server. You can enable or disable support for streams both before and after connecting to the server.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->streams = false;
print $p4->streams;


P4::tagged -> bool

If true, P4::tagged enables tagged output. By default, tagged output is on.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->tagged = false;
print $p4->tagged;


P4::ticket_file -> string

Contains the location of the P4TICKETS file.

P4::user -> string

Contains the Helix Server username. It defaults to the value of P4USER taken from any P4CONFIG file present, or from the environment as per the usual Helix Server convention.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->user = "bruno";


P4::version -> string

Contains the version of the program, as reported to Helix Server system administrators in the server log.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->version = "123";
print $p4->version;


P4::warnings -> array (read-only)

Contains the array of warnings that arose during execution of the last command.


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->connect();  // P4_Exception on failure
$p4->exception_level = 2;

$files = $p4->run_sync();
$warn = $p4->warnings;
print_r( $warn );





Construct a new P4 object. For example:


$p4 = new P4();


Static Methods

P4::identify() -> string

Return the version of P4PHP that you are using, and, if applicable, the version of the OpenSSL library used for building the underlying Helix C/C++ API with which P4PHP was built).


print P4::identify();


produces output similar to the following:

Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System.
Copyright 1995-2013 Perforce Software.  All rights reserved.
Rev. P4PHP/LINUX26X86/2013.1/644389 (2013.1 API) (2013/05/21).

Instance Methods

P4::connect() -> bool

Initializes the Helix Server client and connects to the server.

If the connection is successfully established, returns None. If the connection fails and exception_level is 0, returns False, otherwise raises a P4_Exception. If already connected, prints a message.


$p4 = new P4();


P4::connected() -> bool

Returns true if connected to the Helix Server and the connection is alive, otherwise false.


$p4 = new P4();
if ( !$p4->connected() ) {
  print "Not Connected\n";

if ( $p4->connected() ) {
  print "Connected\n";



P4::delete_<spectype>( [ options ], name ) -> array

The delete_<spectype>() methods are shortcut methods that allow you to delete the definitions of clients, labels, branches, etc. These methods are equivalent to:

P4::run( "<spectype>", '-d', [options], "spec name" );

The following code uses P4::delete_client() to delete client workspaces that have not been accessed in more than 365 days:


$p4 = new P4();
try {
  foreach ( $p4->run_clients() as $client) {
    $atime = int( $client['Access'] );
    // If the client has not been accessed for a year, delete it
    if ( (time() - $atime) > 31536000 ) { // seconds in 365 days
      $p4->delete_client( "-f", $client["Client"] );
} catch ( P4_Exception $e ) {
  print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  foreach ( $p4->errors as $error ) {
    print "Error: $error\n";

P4::disconnect() -> void

Disconnect from the Helix Server. Call this method before exiting your script.


$p4 = new P4();


P4::env( var ) -> string

Get the value of a Helix Server environment variable, taking into account P4CONFIG files and (on Windows or macOS) the registry or user preferences.


$p4 = new P4();
print $p4->env( "P4PORT" );


P4::fetch_<spectype>() -> array

The fetch_<spectype>() methods are shortcuts for running $p4->run( "<spectype>", "-o") and returning the first element of the array. For example:

$label      = $p4->fetch_label( "labelname" );
$change     = $p4->fetch_change( changeno);
$clientspec = $p4->fetch_client( "clientname" );

are equivalent to:

$label      = $p4->run( "label", "-o", "labelname" );
$change     = $p4->run( "change", "-o", changeno );
$clientspec = $p4->run( "client", "-o", clientname );

P4::format_spec( "<spectype>", array ) -> string

Converts the fields in the array containing the elements of a Helix Server form (spec) into the string representation familiar to users. The first argument is the type of spec to format: for example, client, branch, label, and so on. The second argument is the hash to parse.

There are shortcuts available for this method. You can use $p4->format_<spectype>( array) instead of $p4->format_spec( "<spectype>", array ), where <spectype> is the name of a Helix Server spec, such as client, label, etc.

P4::format_<spectype>( array ) -> string

The format_<spectype>() methods are shortcut methods that allow you to quickly fetch the definitions of clients, labels, branches, etc. They’re equivalent to:

$p4->format_spec( "<spectype>", array );

P4::parse_spec( "<spectype>", string ) -> array

Parses a Helix Server form (spec) in text form into an array using the spec definition obtained from the server. The first argument is the type of spec to parse: client, branch, label, and so on. The second argument is the string buffer to parse.

There are shortcuts available for this method. You can use:

$p4->parse_<spectype>( buf );

instead of:

$p4->parse_spec( "<spectype>", buf );

where <spectype> is one of client, branch, label, and so on.

P4::parse_<spectype>( string ) -> array

This is equivalent to:

$p4->parse_spec( "<spectype>", string )

For example:

$p4->parse_job( myJob );

converts the String representation of a job spec into an array.

To parse a spec, P4 needs to have the spec available. When not connected to the Helix Server, P4 assumes the default format for the spec, which is hardcoded. This assumption can fail for jobs if the server’s jobspec has been modified. In this case, your script can load a job from the server first with the command fetch_job( "somename"), andP4 will cache and use the spec format in subsequent P4::parse_job() calls.

P4::run( <cmd>, [arg, …​] ) -> mixed

Base interface to all the run methods in this API. Runs the specified Helix Server command with the arguments supplied. Arguments may be in any form as long as they can be converted to strings. However, each command's options should be passed as quoted and comma-separated strings, with no leading space. For example:


Failing to pass options in this way can result in confusing error messages.

The P4::run() method returns an array of results whether the command succeeds or fails; the array may, however, be empty. Whether the elements of the array are strings or arrays depends on:

  • server support for tagged output for the command, and
  • whether tagged output was disabled by calling $p4->tagged = false.

There is a 64 KiB limit on the size of returned array elements, files larger than 64 KiB will populate multiple array elements.

If the file is large the print command will return a large number of array elements:


In the event of errors or warnings, and depending on the exception level in force at the time, P4::run() raises a P4_Exception. If the current exception level is below the threshold for the error/warning, P4::run() returns the output as normal and the caller must explicitly review P4::errors and P4::warnings to check for errors or warnings.


$p4 = new P4();
print $p4->env( "P4PORT" );

$spec = $p4->run( "client", "-o" )[0];


Shortcuts are available for P4::run. For example:

$p4->run_command( "args" );

is equivalent to:

$p4->run( "command", args );

There are also some shortcuts for common commands such as editing Helix Server forms and submitting. For example, this:


$p4 = new P4();

$clientspec = array_pop( $p4->run_client( "-o" ));
$clientspec["Description"] = "Build Client";

$p4->input = $clientspec;
$p4->run_client( "-i" );



may be shortened to:


$p4 = new P4();

$clientspec = $p4->fetch_spec();
$clientspec["Description"] = "Build client";

$p4->save_client( $clientspec );



The following are equivalent:

Shortcut Equivalent to


$p4->run( "<spectype>", "-d " );


array_shift( $p4->run( "<spectype>", "-o " ) );

$p4->save_<spectype>( spec );

$p4->input = $spec; $p4->run( "<spectype>", "-i");

As the commands associated with P4::fetch_<spectype>() typically return only one item, these methods do not return an array, but instead return the first result element.

For convenience in submitting changelists, changes returned by P4::fetch_change() can be passed to P4::run_submit(). For example:


$p4 = new P4();

$spec = $p4->fetch_change();
$spec["Description"] = "Automated change";
$p4->run_submit( $spec );



P4::run_<cmd>() -> mixed

Shorthand for:

P4::run( "cmd", arguments... );

P4::run_filelog( <fileSpec> ) -> array

Runs a p4 filelog on the fileSpec provided and returns an array of P4_DepotFile results (when executed in tagged mode), or an array of strings when executed in nontagged mode. By default, the raw output of p4 filelog is tagged; this method restructures the output into a more user-friendly (and object-oriented) form.

For example:


$p4 = new P4();
try {
  $filelog = $p4->run_filelog( "index.html" );
  foreach ( $filelog->revisions as $revision ) {
    // do something
} catch ( P4_Exception $e ) {
  print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  foreach ( $p4->errors as $error ) {
    print "Error: $error\n";

P4::run_login( arg…​ ) -> array

Runs p4 login using a password or ticket set by the user.

P4::run_password( oldpass, newpass ) -> array

A thin wrapper to make it easy to change your password. This method is equivalent to the following:


$p4->input = array( $oldpass, $newpass, $newpass );
$p4->run( "password" );


For example:


$p4 = new P4();
$p4->password = "myoldpass";

try {
  $p4->run_password( "myoldpass", "mynewpass" );
} catch ( P4_Exception $e ) {
  print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  foreach ( $p4->errors as $error ) {
    print "Error: $error\n";

P4::run_resolve( [<resolver>], [arg…​] ) -> array

Run a p4 resolve command. Interactive resolves require the <resolver> parameter to be an object of a class derived from P4_Resolver. In these cases, the P4::Resolver::resolve() method is called to handle the resolve. For example:


$p4->run_resolve( new MyResolver() );


To perform an automated merge that skips whenever conflicts are detected:


class MyResolver extends P4_Resolver {
  public function resolve( $merge_data ) {
    if ( $merge_data->merge_hint != 'e' ) {
      return $merge_data->merge_hint;
    } else {
      return "s"; // skip, there's a conflict

In non-interactive resolves, no P4_Resolver object is required. For example:

$p4->run_resolve ( "-at" );

P4::run_submit( [ array ], [ arg…​ ] ) -> array

Submit a changelist to the server. To submit a changelist, set the fields of the changelist as required and supply any flags:

$p4->change = $p4->fetch_change();
$change["Description"] = "Some description";
$p4->run_submit( "-r", $change );

You can also submit a changelist by supplying the arguments as you would on the command line:

$p4->run_submit( "-d", "Some description", "somedir/..." );


The save_<spectype>() methods are shortcut methods that allow you to quickly update the definitions of clients, labels, branches, etc. They are equivalent to:

$p4->input = $arrayOrString;
$p4->run( "<spectype> ", "-i" );

For example:


$p4 = new P4();
try {
  $client = $p4->fetch_client();
  $client["Owner"] = $p4->user;
  $p4->save_client( $client );
} catch ( P4_Exception $e ) {
  print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  foreach ( $p4->errors as $error ) {
    print "Error: $error\n";