Class P4::OutputHandler


The P4::OutputHandler class is a handler class that provides access to streaming output from the server. After defining the output handler, set P4#handler() to an instance of a subclass of P4::OutputHandler (or use a p4.with_handler( handler ) block) to enable callbacks.

By default, P4::OutputHandler returns P4::REPORT for all output methods. The different return options are:

Value Meaning


Messages added to output.


Output is handled by class (don’t add message to output).


Operation is marked for cancel, message is added to output.

Class Methods

new -> aP4::OutputHandler

Constructs a new subclass of P4::OutputHandler.

Instance Methods

outputBinary -> int

Process binary data.

outputInfo -> int

Process tabular data.

outputMessage -> int

Process informational or error messages.

outputStat -> int

Process tagged data.

outputText -> int

Process text data.