Configure Swarm to use Helix Search

Standard Swarm searches can be extended to search file content and changelist description by using the Helix Core Search API.


Configure Swarm search to use your Helix Search service with the following configuration block in the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file:

// this block should be a peer of 'p4'
'search' => array(
'p4_search_host' => '', // optional URL to Helix Search host 'maxlocktime' => 5000, // 5 seconds, in milliseconds


The p4_search_host configurable specifies the URL of your Helix Search server. When configured, Swarm issues API calls to Helix Search to take advantage of its file content and description indexing.


The maxlocktime key specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that any table within the Helix Server should be locked while performing fstat command searching. Increasing this value might allow better search results at the expense of potentially blocking other queries on the Helix Server. Decreasing this value impacts the Helix Server less, but may be insufficient for returning the desired search results.

Comment attachment thumbnail/preview and blur generation

Swarm generates the blur and thumbnail/preview images for Swarm comment attachments and stores them in the comment attachment depot.

To prevent Swarm clashing with Helix Search thumbnail/preview and blur generation, set the Helix Server protections for the Swarm comment attachments depot directory so only the swarm user has access to it.


Swarm 2022.1 Patch 1 and later: By default, the Swarm package and OVA post-installation configuration script offers to create the comment attachment depot directory as //.swarm and set the protections so only the swarm user has access to it.

For example, if the comment attachment depot directory is //.swarm, set Helix Core Server protections for //.swarm to:

list user * * -//.swarm/...

admin user swarm * //.swarm/...

super user super * //.swarm/...

This prevents Helix Search creating thumbnails/previews and blurs for files stored in the comment attachment depot directory.

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