Create a MATLAB only project and connect to the Helix Core Server

Before you create a MATLAB only project, you must:

The following steps will create a .p4config file for the project, create a new MATLAB project, and connect the project to the Helix Core Server.

Create a new MATLAB only project and connect to the Helix Core Server:

  1. In the root directory of your project/work area, create a .p4config file with values for P4USER, P4PORT, and P4CLIENT .
  2. These three values are enough for the P4SL plugin to connect to the Helix Core Server.

    Example .p4config file:


  3. When P4SL has connected to the Helix Core Server, the Helix Core Server will request a password if it is required.
  4. Tip

    If Helix Authentication Service is configured for your Helix Core Server a web page will open and you will be directed to the sign in process used by your Identity Provider (IdP) when you connect to the Helix Core Server.

    If the specified workspace does not exist, P4SL will try to create it by prompting you for a depot path. The client root will be set to the sandbox root (given in the Simulink project creation window).

    A default view is created, where DEPOT_PATH is the path entered at the prompt, and CLIENT_NAME is the specified workspace name:

    //DEPOT_PATH/... //CLIENT_NAME/...

  5. MATLAB automatically picks up the Helix Core Server configuration when you navigate the files on your system.
  6. Image of MATLAB file view

  7. Your project is now connected to the Helix Core Server. For details of the Helix Core Server file and folder operations available to you, see File management.