Call P4VJS functions

Every P4VJS asynchronous method (P4VJS.<method>) returns a JavaScript Promise instread of a value. This means that you need to provide a promise consumer, which is a callback method that gets called when the request is processed. This section explains how to handle execution of the promise as:

If the application requires synchronous behavior, you can use the keyword await, which makes JavaScript wait until the promise settles. You cannot use await in a regular synchronous function. To use await, you have to make the function that calls it async. If a function returns a value, changing it to async affects the function's return value. As an asynchronous function, it now returns a promise hosting the return value.


You cannot use await in top-level functions, but you can create an asynchronous Immediately InvokedFunction Expression.

(async function(){
    ... asynchronous code goes here
    let value = await asyncFunction(...);

For more information on JavaScript promises, see

Following are implementation examples:

  • Asynchronous named

    Only p4vjs.p4(..) supports a callback argument (this is the function to be called, with the return value as the parameter).

    var loadcallback = loadServerInfoCallBack;
  • Asynchronous anonymous

    p4vjs.functionName(arguments).then(function(retvalue) {
  • Synchronous

    async function outerfunction() {
    var myVar = await p4vjs.functionName(arguments);

    function outerfunction() now returns a promise. If handling the return value is required, it needs to be handled as an asynchronous function.