Helix Swarm Guide (2018.3)

Short links

Short links work with your Swarm installation's current hostname, but you have the option of registering/configuring an even shorter hostname to make shareable file/directory links as short as possible.

  1. Register a short domain name, or if you control your own DNS server, a short domain name for your network.
  2. Point the short domain name at your Swarm host.
  3. Edit the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file and add the following configuration block:

    // this block should be a peer of 'p4'
    'short_links' => array(
    'hostname' => 'myho.st',

    Replace myho.st with the short domain name you registered/configured.

    If your Swarm is configured to use HTTPS, a custom port, a sub-folder, or any combination of these custom installation options, the short links configuration block should look like:

    // this block should be a peer of 'p4'
    'short_links' => array(
    'external_url' => 'https://myho.st:port/sub-folder',

Replace myho.st with the short domain name you have registered/configured.

If you have not configured Swarm to use HTTPS, replace https:// with http://.

If you have configured Swarm to run on a custom port, replace :port with the correct custom port. Otherwise, remove :port.

If you have configured Swarm to run in a sub-folder, replace /sub-folder with the correct sub-folder name. Otherwise, remove /sub-folder.


The external_url configuration item is only honored if you have also configured the external_url item within the Environment configuration item as well. Otherwise, Swarm could generate short links that cannot correctly link to their corresponding full URLs.

When external_url is configured, the hostname configuration item is ignored.