p4 branches

List existing branch mappings.


p4 [g-opts] branches [[-e | -E] filter] [-m max][-t] [-u user | --me]


Print the list of all branch mappings currently known to the system.

Use the -m max option to limit the output to the first max branch mappings.

Use the -e or -E filter options to limit the output to branches whose name matches the filter pattern. The -e option is case-sensitive, and -E is case-insensitive.

Use the -u user option to limit the output to branches owned by the named user.


-e filter

List only branches matching filter (case-sensitive).

-E filter

List only branches matching filter (case-insensitive).

-m max

List only the first max branch mappings.


Display the time as well as the date of the last update to the branch.

-u user

List only branches owned by user.


Equivalent to -u $P4USER.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related Commands

To create or edit a branch mapping

p4 branch