p4 cstat

Dump change/sync status for current client workspace.


p4 [g-opts] cstat [files ...]


The p4 cstat command lists changes that are required, already synced, or partially synced to the current client workspace.

The output is returned in the tagged format used by the p4 fstat command:

... change changenum
... status have|need|partial

A client workspace might have change 222 (that is, be synced to changelist 222), but depending on what others have done after the sync, could either:

  • need change 223 (if no files in changelist 223 have yet been synced),
  • or have a partial sync of changelist 223 (if some, but not all, of the revisions in changelist 223 have been synced).



See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related Commands

To check for integrations needed for a stream

p4 istat