Post-installation configuration

After the helix-p4d package has been installed, additional configuration is required to create a Helix server.
Perform the following steps:

  1. Use the script to configure a Perforce service.


    The script can be used in a few different ways. The steps below outline the most straightforward configuration using interactive mode, but you can review the options by running:

    $ sudo /opt/perforce/sbin/ -h

    Run in interactive mode:

    $ sudo /opt/perforce/sbin/

    In interactive mode, the configuration script begins by displaying a summary of default settings and those which have optionally been set with a command line argument.

  2. Provide information to the configuration script.

    After the summary, the configuration script prompts for information it needs to set up your Helix server.


    If you already have a Helix server configured, and you supply its service name, then the configuration script only prompts for settings that you can change on an existing service.

    At each prompt, you can accept the proposed default value by pressing Enter, or you can specify your own value.

    The list below contains details about the options for each prompt:

    1. The Service Name:

      The name used when when starting and stopping the service with Helix Core Server Control (p4dctl).

      This name is also used to set the Perforce serverid attribute on this p4d server, to distinguish it from other p4d servers that might be in your overall installation.

    2. The Server Root (P4ROOT):

      The directory where versioned files and metadata should be stored.

    3. The Unicode Mode for the server:

      This is off by default.


      If you turn Unicode mode on, you will not be able to turn it off. Be sure you are familiar with Unicode functionality when selecting this mode. See Setting up and managing Unicode installations for information.

    4. The Case Sensitivity for the server:

      This is on by default.

      See Case sensitivity and multi-platform development for information.

    5. The Server Address (P4PORT):

      This specifies the host and port where the Helix server should listen, and whether to communicate in plaintext or over SSL. For more information, see Communicating port information.

    6. Superuser login:

      The desired userid for a new user to be created with super level privileges.

      For more information about superusers, see Access levels.

    7. Superuser password:

      The desired password to be set for the new superuser.

      Due to the unlimited privileges granted to this user, a strong password is required.

    After you answer all prompts, the script begins configuration according to your choices. As it runs, the script displays information about the configuration taking place.

    After the configuration has completed successfully, a summary is displayed with details about what was done, and where settings are stored.

    You can now connect to the service, or you can manage the service using the p4dctl utility. For more information, see Helix Core Server Control (p4dctl).