Form-out triggers

Use the form-out trigger type to create triggers that fire whenever the Helix Core server generates a form for display to the user.


Never use a Helix server command in a form-out trigger that fires the same form-out trigger, or infinite recursion will result. For example, never run p4 job -o from within a form-out trigger script that fires on job forms.


The default Perforce client workspace view maps the entire depot //depot/... to the user’s client workspace. To prevent novice users from attempting to sync the entire depot, this Perl script changes a default workspace view of //depot/... in the p4 client form to map only the current release codeline of //depot/releases/main/...

# - Customize the default client workspace view.
$p4 = "p4 -p localhost:1666";
$formname = $ARGV[0];  # from %formname% in trigger table
$formfile = $ARGV[1];  # from %formfile% in trigger table
# Default server-generated workspace view and modified view
# (Note: this script assumes that //depot is the only depot defined)
$defaultin = "\t//depot/... //$formname/...\n";
$defaultout = "\t//depot/releases/main/... //$formname/...\n";
# Check "p4 clients": if workspace exists, exit w/o changing view.
# (This example is inefficient if there are millions of workspaces)
open CLIENTS, "$p4 clients |" or die "Couldn't get workspace list";
while ( <CLIENTS> )
        if ( /^Client $formname .*/ ) { exit 0; }
# Build a modified workspace spec based on contents of %formfile%
$modifiedform = "";
open FORM, $formfile or die "Trigger couldn't read form tempfile";
while ( <FORM> )
{       ## Do the substitution as appropriate.
        if ( m:$defaultin: ) { $_ = "$defaultout"; }
        $modifiedform .= $_;
# Write the modified spec back to the %formfile%,
open MODFORM, ">$formfile" or die "Couldn't write form tempfile";
print MODFORM $modifiedform;
exit 0;

This form-out trigger fires on client workspace forms only. To use the trigger, add the following line to the trigger table:

sample7   form-out  client  " %formname% %formfile%"

New users creating client workspaces are presented with your customized default view.