Centralized changelist server (P4CHANGE)

By default, Helix Servers do not coordinate the numbering of changelists. Each Helix Core Server numbers its changelists independently. If you are running multiple servers, you can configure your servers to refer to a centralized changelist server from which to obtain changelist numbers. Doing so ensures that changelist numbers are unique across your organization, regardless of the server to which they are submitted.


When using a centralized changelist server, all outer servers must be at the same (or newer) release level as the central server.

To configure Helix Server to use a centralized changelist server, set P4CHANGE before starting the second server, or specify it on the p4d command line with the -g option:

$ p4d -g central:1666 -p 1999

On Windows, configure the outer server with p4 set -S as follows:

C:\> p4 set -S "Outer Server" P4CHANGE=central:1666
C:\> p4 set -S "Outer Server" P4PORT=1999

In this example, the outer server is configured to use a centralized changelist server (named central). Whenever a user of the outer server must assign a changelist number (that is, when a user creates a pending changelist or submits one), the centralized server’s next available changelist number is used instead.

There is no limit on the number of servers that can refer to a centralized changelist server. This configuration has no effect on the output of the p4 changes command; p4 changes lists only changelists from the currently connected server, regardless of whether it generates its own changelist numbers or relies on a centralized changelist server.

If your server is making use of a centralized changelist server, the following line will appear in the output of p4 info:

Changelist Server: [protocol:]host:port

Where [protocol:]host:port refers to the protocol, host, and port number of the centralized changelist server.