Standard depots

Standard or local-type depots reside on local, remote, or shared servers. Local-type depots reside on the Helix Server normally accessed by the user’s Helix Server application. When using local depots, a Helix Server application communicates with the Helix Server specified by the user’s P4PORT environment variable or equivalent setting.

To define a new local depot (that is, to create a new depot in the current Helix Server namespace), call p4 depot with the new depot name, and edit only the Map: field in the resulting form.

For example, to create a new depot called book with the files stored in the local Helix Server namespace in a root subdirectory called book (that is, $P4ROOT/book), enter the command p4 depot book, and fill in the resulting form as follows:

Depot:       book
Type:        local
Address:     local
Suffix:      .p4s
Map:         book/...

The Address: and Suffix: fields do not apply to local depots and are ignored.

By default, the Map: field on a local depot points to a depot directory matching the depot name, relative to the server root (P4ROOT) setting for your server. To store a depot’s versioned files on another volume or drive, specify an absolute path in the Map: field. This path need not be under P4ROOT. Absolute paths in the Map: field on Windows must be specified with forward slashes (for instance, d:/newdepot/) in the p4 depot form.