Configuration parameter precedence


You can specify client settings such as port, user, and workspace names by using any of the following:

  1. On the command line, using options.
  2. In the configuration file(s) specified by a P4CONFIG environment variable, where each config file can be specific to a workspace.
  3. In the P4ENVIRO configuration file, which is for variables that remain constant for all the workspaces on a given computer.
  4. User environment variables.
  5. System environment variables (on Windows, system-wide environment variables are not necessarily the same as user environment variables)
  6. In the user registry or settings set by issuing the p4 set command.
  7. In the system registry or system settings set by issuing the p4 set -s command.


The output of p4 set lists:

  • the value of each variable

  • how each variable was set, that is, by config, enviro, set, or set -s