General considerations for Linux non-package installation


Helix Server requires two executables:

  • the Helix Core Server, also referred to as the Perforce service (p4d)
  • at least one Helix Core client application, such as the Command-Line Client ( p4)

The Helix Server and applications are available on the Perforce web page for Downloads.

Although you can install p4 and p4d in any directory, on Linux the Helix Server applications typically reside in /usr/local/bin, and the Perforce service is usually located either in /usr/local/bin or in its own server root directory. You can install Helix Server applications on any machine that has TCP/IP access to the p4d host.

To limit access to the Perforce service’s files, ensure that the p4d executable is owned and run by a Helix Server user account that has been created for the purpose of running the Perforce service.


To maximize performance, configure the server root (P4ROOT) to reside on a local disk and not an NFS-mounted volume. It is best to place metadata and journal data on separate drives.

Helix Server applications (such as p4, the Helix Server Command-Line Client) work with client workspaces on NFS-mounted drives, such as client workspaces located in users' home directories.