Moving between machines of the same byte order

If the architecture of the two machines uses the same byte order (for example, SPARC/SPARC, x86/x86, or even 32-bit Windows to 64-bit Windows), the versioned files and database can be copied directly between the machines, and you only need to move the server root directory tree to the new machine. You can use tar, cp, xcopy.exe, or any other method. Copy everything in and under the P4ROOT directory - the db.* files (your database) as well as the depot subdirectories (your versioned files).

  1. Back up your server (including a p4 verify before the backup) and take a checkpoint.
  2. On the old machine, stop p4d.
  3. Copy the contents of your old server root (P4ROOT) and all its subdirectories on the old machine into the new server root directory on the new machine.
  4. Start p4d on the new machine with the desired flags.
  5. Run p4 verify on the new machine to ensure that the database and your versioned files were transferred correctly to the new machine.

(Although the backup, checkpoint, and subsequent p4 verify are not strictly necessary, it’s always good practice to verify, checkpoint, and back up your system before any migration and to perform a subsequent verification after the migration.)