Moving between Windows and UNIX

Migrating from Windows to UNIX means that both the architecture of the system and the CR/LF text file convention might be different. You still have to create a checkpoint, copy it, and re-create the database on the new platform, but when you move the depot subdirectories containing your versioned files, you also have to address the differing linefeed convention between the two platforms.

To migrate your Helix Server between platforms with different case-sensitivity, architecture or text file formats, or to migrate your Helix Server by restoring a checkpoint, follow the instructions at the Support Knowledgebase article, Cross-Platform Helix Server Migration.

As with all other migrations, be sure to run p4 verify after your migration.


Migrations from UNIX servers to Windows are not supported because Windows ignores case. For example, two UNIX files named Makefile and makefile would appear to be the same file on Windows.