Using compression efficiently

There are cases where compression is automatically handled:

  • By default, revisions of files of type binary are compressed when stored on the Helix Core Server. Some file formats (for example, .GIF and .JPG images, .MPG and .AVI media content, files compressed with .gz compression) include compression as part of the file format.

    Attempting to compress such files on the Helix Core Server results in the consumption of server CPU resources with little or no savings in disk space. To disable server storage compression for these file types, specify such files as type binary+F (binary, stored on the server in full, without compression) either from the command line or from the p4 typemap table.

    For more about p4 typemap, including a sample typemap table, see Defining filetypes with p4 typemap.

  • By default compression is enabled between the Helix Core Server and the proxy; if this connection is going across a VPN that is already doing compression at a lower layer, you might want to disable the compression for the proxy (-c flag).