Replication and protections

To apply the IP address of a replica user’s workstation against the protections table, prepend the string proxy- to the workstation’s IP address.


Before you prepend the string proxy- to the workstation’s IP address, make sure that a broker or proxy is in place.

For instance, consider an organization with a remote development site with workstations on a subnet of The organization also has a central office where local development takes place; the central office exists on the subnet. A Perforce service resides in the subnet, and a replica resides in the subnet. Users at the remote site belong to the group remotedev, and occasionally visit the central office. Each subnet also has a corresponding set of IPv6 addresses.

To ensure that members of the remotedev group use the replica while working at the remote site, but do not use the replica when visiting the local site, add the following lines to your protections table:

list    group    remotedev              -//...
list    group    remotedev     [2001:db8:16:81::]/48        -//...

write   group    remotedev     proxy-         //...
write   group    remotedev     proxy-[2001:db8:16:81::]/48   //...

list    group    remotedev     proxy-             -//...
list    group    remotedev     proxy-[2001:db8:1008::]/32   -//...

write   group    remotedev                    //...
write   group    remotedev     [2001:db8:1008::]/32          //...

The first line denies list access to all users in the remotedev group if they attempt to access Helix Server without using the replica from their workstations in the subnet. The second line denies access in identical fashion when access is attempted from the IPV6 [2001:db8:16:81::]/48 subnet.

The third line grants write access to all users in the remotedev group if they are using the replica and are working from the subnet. Users of workstations at the remote site must use the replica. (The replica itself does not have to be in this subnet, for example, it could be at The fourth line grants access in identical fashion when access is attempted from the IPV6 [2001:db8:16:81::]/48 subnet.

Similarly, the fifth and sixth lines deny list access to remotedev users when they attempt to use the replica from workstations on the central office’s subnets ( and [2001:db8:1008::]/32). The seventh and eighth lines grant write access to remotedev users who access the Helix Server directly from workstations on the central office’s subnets. When visiting the local site, users from the remotedev group must access the Helix Server directly.

When the Perforce service evaluates protections table entries, the dm.proxy.protects configurable is also evaluated:

  • dm.proxy.protects defaults to 1, which causes the proxy- prefix to be prepended to all client host addresses that connect via an intermediary (proxy, broker, replica, or edge server), indicating that the connection is not direct.
  • Setting dm.proxy.protects to 0 removes the proxy- prefix, which allows you to write a single set of protection entries that apply both to directly-connected clients and clients that connect via an intermediary. This is more convenient but might be less secure insofar as a connection is made using an intermediary. If you use this setting, all intermediaries must be at release 2012.1 or higher.

Enabling commands that are served by the replica, such as p4 files

The example above allows only commands that are executed by the master server to run. For example, p4 edit in a forwarding-replica scenario. Commands that are served by the replica, such as p4 files, are disallowed.

If the dm.proxy.protects configurable is set to its default value of 1

To run commands against the replica directly, such as p4 files, you need:
write user fred //depot/...

To run a command that needs to be passed over Helix Proxy to the master, such as p4 sync or p4 edit, you need two entries:

write user fred //depot/...
write user fred proxy- //depot/...

If dm.proxy.protects is set to 0


One entry is sufficient for all commands:

write user fred //depot/...