Key and certificate management

When configured to accept SSL connections, all server processes (p4d, p4p, p4broker), require a valid certificate and key pair on startup. These files are stored in the directory specified by the P4SSLDIR environment variable. For an SSL-enabled server process to start, the following additional conditions must be met:

  • P4SSLDIR must be set to a valid directory.
  • The P4SSLDIR directory must be owned by the same userid as the one running the Helix Server, proxy, or broker process. The P4SSLDIR directory must not be readable by any other user. On UNIX, for example, the directory’s permissions must be set to 0700 (drwx------) or 0500 (dr-x------).
  • Two files, named privatekey.txt and certificate.txt, must exist in P4SSLDIR.

    These files correspond to the PEM-encoded private key and certificate used for the SSL connection. They must be owned by the userid that runs the Helix Server, proxy, and broker process, and must also have their permissions set such as to make them unreadable by other users. On UNIX, for example, the files' permissions must be set to 0600 (-rw-------) or 0400 (-r--------).

    You can supply your own private key and certificate, or you can use p4d -Gc to generate a self-signed key and certificate pair.

  • To generate a fingerprint from your server’s private key and certificate, run p4d -Gf . (P4SSLDIR must be configured with the correct file names and permissions, and the current date must be valid for the certificate.)

    After you have communicated this fingerprint to your end users, your end users can then compare the fingerprint the server offers with the fingerprint you have provided. If the two fingerprints match, users can use p4 trust to add the fingerprint to their P4TRUST files.


If you have a certificate chain, you can append any intermediary certificates into the certificate.txt file. For more information, see SSL connections that do not require P4TRUST in Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.