Helix Server on Linux

If your Helix Core Server is on Linux, and you have users on both Linux and Windows, your Linux users must be careful not to submit files whose names differ only by case. Although the Linux server can support these files, when Windows users sync their workspaces, some files might overwrite each other.

Conversely, Windows users will have to be careful to use case consistently in filenames and pathnames when adding new files. They might not realize that files added as //depot/main/one.c and //depot/MAIN/two.c will appear in two different directories when synced to a Linux user’s workspace.

The Linux Helix Server always respects case in client names, label names, branch view names, and so on. Windows users connecting to a Linux server should be aware that the lowercased workstation names are used as the default names for new client workspaces. For example, if a new user creates a client workspace on a Windows machine named ROCKET, this client workspace is named rocket by default. If the user later sets P4CLIENT to ROCKET (or Rocket), the Helix Server will display a message that the workspace is undefined. The user must set P4CLIENT to rocket (or unset it) to use the client workspace defined.