Moving between machines of the same byte order

If the architecture of the two machines uses the same byte order, such as

Computer Architecture Byte Order
SPARC/SPARC big-endian
Windows x86/x86, x64/x64, or x86/x64 little-endian

the versioned files and database can be copied directly between the machines.

What follows is a simplified version of the Support Knowledgebase article, "Moving a Helix Server".

  1. (Recommended) Run p4 verify, fix any reported problems and record the output so it can be used to compare with the new server.
  2. (Recommended) Back up your server.
  3. (Recommended) Take a checkpoint.
  4. On the old machine, stop p4d.
  5. Using tar, cp, xcopy.exe, or any other method, copy from your old machine to your new machine.
    1. Copy the contents of your old server root (P4ROOT) directory and all its subdirectories from the old machine into the new P4ROOT of the new machine. This includes the Server's database of db.* files.
    2. If your versioned filesClosed Source files stored in the Helix Server depot, including one or more revisions to each file. Also known as archive files, archives, and depot files. Versioned files typically use the naming convention 'filename,v' or '1.changelist.gz'. files are not under the P4ROOT directory, copy the directory with your versioned files onto the new machine. To find out which depot directories to copy, examine the output from p4 depots and p4 configure show server.depot.root
  6. Start p4d on the new machine with the desired flags.
  7. (Recommended) Run p4 verify on the new machine to validate that the database and your versioned files have been transferred correctly onto the new machine.