Using parallel processing for submits, syncs, and shelves

Submits and syncs

You can configure the server to allow parallel file transfer for submit and sync processing. Parallel processing is most effective with long-haul, high-latency networks, or with other network configurations that prevent the use of available bandwidth with a single TCP flow. In addition, parallel processing between a client running on a multi-core machine and the server allows the uncompression of large compressed binary files to happen in parallel on the client.


A p4 shelve command might execute more rapidly by transferring multiple files in parallel.

To enable automatic parallel shelving, set the net.parallel.shelve.threads configurable to a value that is less than or equal to the value of the net.parallel.max configurable.

Optionally, set the net.parallel.shelve.min configurable to change the minimum number of files in a parallel shelve, which, by default, is 9.

Optionally, set the net.parallel.shelve.batch configurable to change the number of files in a parallel shelve, which, by default, is 8.

To disable automatic parallel shelving, unset the net.parallel.shelve.threads configurable.


Promoted shelves require an additional file transfer from the Edge to Commit Server. Parallel pull threads for this transfer are only used if the ExternalAddress field is set in its Edge Server spec and pull threads can be used on the Commit Server. This transfer using pull threads is currently not supported on Windows platforms.

A user can override the shelve configurables on the command line, or disable parallel shelving with the p4 shelve --parallel=0 command.