Examples of possible log entries

Examples of possible log entries:

Entry Meaning

user-transmit -t <taskID> [-b batch -s batchsize -r]

Processes spawned by parallel sync, submit, or shelve that transfer batches of files in parallel. The arguments correspond to the batch and batchsize arguments of the parallel sync, submit, or shelve command.

  • The internally-generated -r argument indicates that the parallel submit or shelve transfers from the client to the server, rather than server to client (like sync)
  • The -t argument is internal
Log entries that begin with dm- are for are client-to-server callbacks that the server has defined.
Log entries that begin with rmt- are for server-to-server commands, such as those related to edge-commit, master-replica, remote depots, and centralized authorization server (P4AUTH).

Used by a p4 pull thread on a replica server to retrieve journal records that contain metadata from a master.

  • in the replica server log, you might see the pull processes
  • in the master log, you might see rmt-Journal entries corresponding to the metadata being pulled from the master to the replica server

Used by p4 pull -u on an replica server to retrieve archive files, or by parallel submit from an replica server to transfer archive files from the replica server to the master.

  • In the master log, you might see rmt-FileFetch entries from the pull -u commands running on replica servers.
  • In the Edge Server log, you might see rmt-FileFetch entries during parallel submit from the pull command running on the Commit Server to get the archives onto the Commit Server