Rejecting client connection requests

By default, all clients can access the server, but you can block one or more client programs from accessing the Helix Server by setting the rejectList configurable. Changes to this configurable take effect immediately, so no server restart is required.


The syntax for setting rejectList:

rejectList = programName [[,programName]...]

The syntax of programName:


No wildcard character is allowed in the programName.

To block requests from all command line clients, regardless of the version:

$ p4 configure set "rejectList = p4"

Block specific versions

To block requests from versions you specify, use the default separator, which is the comma (,):

$ p4 configure set "rejectList = p4, version=13.1, p4, version=13.2"

Block build number and platform

You can specify a version using a build number:

$ p4 configure set "rejectList = p4, version=1221235"

Or you can use platform information:

$ p4 configure set "rejectList = p4, version=DARWIN90X86_64"

Or you can block for build number AND platform:

$ p4 configure set "rejectList = p4, version=1221235, p4, version=DARWIN90X86_64"

Use quotation marks for strings that include spaces.


If you accidentally lock out key clients needed to access the server, use the following command to unset the configurable:

$ p4d -r P4ROOT '-cunset rejectList'

Blocking P4V clients from accessing Helix Server

To block specific P4V versions, specify strings. For example, to block P4V clients version 2015.2 on Windows and Linux platforms, as well as version 2012.1 on Windows:

$ p4 configure set "rejectList=P4V/NTX64/2015.2, P4V/NTX86/2012.1, P4V/LINUX26X86_64/2015.2"

You can only use the version= field in the rejectList configurable for clients that specify their version in the version field. P4V passes its version information on the program string, not a version string. When you connect to Helix Server with the command line client, the client specifies its program name as p4 and its version as, for example, 2015.1/NTX64/1227227. However, when you connect with P4V, P4V tells Helix Server that its program name is P4V/MACOSX106X86/2012.3/578478 and its version is NULL.