Distribution Server

A distribution server makes it possible for your organization to expose a limited set of content and history to third parties without needing to provide direct access to your main server. We expect that distribution servers will be deployed in a publicly accessible network with no means of communication to the internal server, effectively air-gapping the third party users from the internal network.

Flow of data

  1. An internal server uses p4 push to push content to the distribution server, which is located in a DMZ. The distribution server does not accept p4 submit.

  2. (Optional) The content on the distribution server can be replicated to one or more edge servers in the DMZ.

    Replicas of distribution servers can be created. For example, edge servers of the distribution server can be created in geographically distributed locations to provide lower latency sync's to third parties that are far away from the distribution server.

  3. The external consumers use p4 sync to take the code drops.


  • Helix Core Server 2023.1 (or later)

  • License to use the Distribution Server. Distribution Server is a new feature released at the same time as the 2023.1 release of Helix Core Server. To purchase a Distribution Server license, contact your Perforce account representative.

Security considerations

  • Standard "protections" functionality within Helix Core secures the content on the target server.

  • The internal server must be able to connect to the distribution server to push additional content.

  • No detailed user information is exposed from the source to the target because the users and groups that are defined on the target server are independent of the source server.

  • Changelist metadata is exposed.

Setting up the Distribution Server

  1. Decide which content you want to push to the Distribution Server.

  2. Decide your business rule for change numbers.

  3. Get a license for the Distribution Server by contacting your Perforce account representative and indicating the number of Distribution Server users.

  4. Start a new server after copying the Distribution Server license file into P4ROOT.

  5. Create a server spec with Services: distribution-server (see p4 server in Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference)

  6. Set the Distribution Server to use that server spec using p4 serverid SERVER-SPEC-NAME

  7. (Optional) If you want to preserve change numbers for content pushed to the distribution server, run p4 configure set dm.fetch.preservechangenumbers=1

  8. Allow the Distribution Server to accept push using p4 configure set server.allowpush=2

  9. On the internal commit server,

    1. Run p4 configure set server.allowpush=1 if this configurable is not already set to a higher value.

    2. Create a remote spec for the Distribution Server.

    3. Run p4 push to the Distribution Server using the remote spec. This could be a manual operation, scripted as a cron job, or part of continuous integration.