CI builds with Jenkins

Jenkins is a self-contained open source automation server that you can use to automate tasks related to building, testing, and deploying software.


See also the note about Jenkins in Helix TeamHub configuration.

P4Jenkins support

You can connect the workspace to continuous integration (CI) tools, such as P4 Jenkins. The advantages of using the P4 Plugin for Jenkins as the continuous integration server include:

  • Efficiency: being able to sync a SINGLE depot of type graph that contains MANY repos
  • Hybrid support: this single depot is able to have also classic depot files
  • Flexibility: sync any combination of repos, branches, tags, and SHA-1 hashes
  • Automation: polling to automatically trigger a build upon updates to the workspace
  • Visibility: listing of building contents

To learn how to configure the P4 Plugin for Jenkins with Git Connector, see the Helix Plugin for Jenkins Guide section on Git Connector.