ClientUser::OutputStat( StrDict * )

Process tagged output.








StrDict *varList

a StrDict containing the information returned by the command





Normally, the only Helix Server command that sends output through OutputStat() is p4 fstat, which always returns tagged output. Some other commands can be made to return tagged output by setting the "tag" protocol variable, in which case the output is in the form of a StrDict suitable for passing to OutputStat() for processing.

It is generally easier to deal with tagged output than it is to parse standard output. The default implementation of OutputStat() passes each variable/value pair in the StrDict to OutputInfo() as a line of text with a level of "1", with the exception of the "func" var, which it skips. Alternate implementations can use tagged output to extract the pieces of information desired from a given command.

See also ClientUser::OutputStatPartial( )


Consider the following output from p4 fstat:

> p4 fstat file.c
... depotFile //depot/file.c
... clientFile c:\depot\file.c
... isMapped
... headAction integrate
... headType text
... headTime 998644337
... headRev 10
... headChange 681
... headModTime 998643970
... haveRev 10

The StrDict passed to OutputStat() consists of eight variable/value pairs, one for each line of output, plus a "func" entry, which is discarded by the default implementation of OutputStat(). Other commands can be made to return tagged output through OutputStat() by using the -Ztag global option at the command line.

To process tagged output differently, create a subclass of ClientUser with an alternate implementation of OutputStat(). The following simple example demonstrates how the “headRev” and “haveRev” variables resulting from an “fstat” command can be easily extracted and manipulated.

Other commands provide StrDicts with different variable/value pairs that can be processed in similar ways; use p4 -Ztag command to get an understanding for what sort of information to expect.

void MyClientUser::OutputStat( StrDict *varList )
    StrPtr *headrev;
    StrPtr *haverev;

    headrev = varList->GetVar( "headRev" );
    haverev = varList->GetVar( "haveRev" );

    printf( "By default, revision numbers are returned as strings:\n" );
    printf( "  Head revision number: %s\n", headrev->Text() );
    printf( "  Have revision number: %s\n", haverev->Text() );

    printf( "but revision numbers can be converted to integers:\n" );
    printf( "  Head revision number: %d\n", headrev->Atoi() );
    printf( "  Have revision number: %d\n", haverev->Atoi() );